Chapter Four- Josephine and the Giant Mate

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Holy cow guys! Almost 2,000 reads on the last chapter you deserve this update!


Josie was quick in the shower. She let the hot water unwind all her knots as she detoxed the stressful day. She'd done it again! She had fallen for that sexy, rumbling accent and those muscular arms... oh god someone has to stop her! She is out of control! Heat was pooling in her stomach once again just thinking of his deep voice calling her "little doe." Little doe, how the hell did she look like a little doe? She understood that she might be petite and scared as quickly as a doe, but it was insulting.

Stepping out, Josephine wrapped herself in the towels made from clouds themselves and slid her dress back on. Patting dry her hair, she stepped out only to be met with a male. Not Sinclair, but a small man with small horns protruding from his forehead. They were painted gold and decked with jewels. His eyes were the color of magenta and swirled as he studied her.

A demon.

"Well hello there," He beamed with tiny fangs sticking out from his smile. "You are the cutest little thing."

Josephine was about to scream when the demon stepped back and plopped on the bed dramatically.

"Fin is the name and hiding from my pissed mate is the game," He introduced and stuck his hand out. Josephine carefully took it, eyeing it for a while beforehand. "I'm not gonna bite, much."

Josephine blushed as she cleared her throat, "I'm Josephine, but my dad called me Blue. O-Or Josie, he called me Josie too."

"Why Blue?"

"My middle name's Bluebell." She explained and scratched her head lightly.

"Are you Fey? That's such a Fey name." Fin said and began rummaging through Josephine's things. "Sweetums we gotta get you a new wardrobe like yesterday. Is this really all the clothes you have?"

"I never left the house, so I didn't need much. Um, how did you get in here? Where's Sinclair? And why are you hiding?"

"I, being an Astral Demon, portable inside here; and Sinclair is currently in a meeting with my hunka-hunka. I'm hiding from my baby Boone because I may or may not have, depending on how you look at it, covered all of his clothing in glitter." He shrugged his shoulders. "But it's not like he should've been expecting it. There's a party coming up, the Rave Fey are putting it on, and I needed to use glitter. It just exploded s'all."

Josephine couldn't help but giggle lightly. Fin grinned at the sound of it and smirked. "Anywho I figured I'd introduce myself since we're practically siblings now."

Josie cocked her head and looked at Fin with confusion. "How so?"

"Well, your mate and my mate are practically brothers, and they always have meeting and such, so we'll be spending lots of time together. Like a ton of time together. But that's okay because I like you." He said and tapped Josie's nose. She jerked back in shock, eyes wide. "Oh calm your titties girl. Let's get you dressed for tonight."

Josie was conflicted on whether or not Fin should dress her. His outfit was very over the top, and Josie feared he would create an equally elaborate attire for her.

Fin rummaged through her clothes and pulled out random shirts and dresses. He settled on a cherry red and white checkered dress with a thick red belt and halter top that buttoned up on the top.

"This is super cute, put this on." He ordered, and Josephine nervously grabbed the clothes. She scurried to the bathroom and slipped on the dress. She tied it in a bow and walked back out. Fin had a chair settled in the center of the room. He motioned for her to sit down while never looking up from his task at pulling out different concealers.

A Primal Passion - A Night's Mate| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now