I'm sorry, still be mine? (Jake Bugg)

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~One Shot~

~Jake Bugg~

~Paola's P.O.V~

It was mine and my boyfriend Jake's anniversary today, on Valentines. The day he asked me out in the most cutest way ever; I wore my pastel blue dress alogn with my favourite flower crown.

"Hey babe, I am going to go out for while got something to do, I will see you later on yeah?" he smiled kissing my face softly.

I giggled and swatted him away, "okay, oh and hey I book the table for seven so be there by seven, don't be late" I reminded him as he walked out.

Jake and I had been going out for a year now, things were going really good and we clearly did love one another.

But he had been working more and more every month, it didn't bother me much but it did sting a little when he had to work on our anniversary.


"I thought we agreed we weren't going to do anything fancy?" I asked as Jake gotten all dressed up.

Unlike me who wore shorts and a white top.

Jake laughed "it's not going to be fancy, but it is Valentines and more places are giving couples free chocolate cake."

"Jake we aren't a couple, they'd know!" I laughed at his plan that most likely wasn't going to work.

He shrugged and stepped inside my small apartment, "maybe so but at least we would be doing something. Oh come on Paola let's go do something! We never do anything on Valentines besides mope and complain how our relationship lives suck, so let's go out and do something actually fun for a change!" Jake did have a good point, every year would be the same. One of us would go to one another's place with shit tones of chocolate and alcohol and we would sit watching all the cheesy love films and throw chocolate at the T.V cussing how that wasn't fair we never had that kind of relationship.

"Are you sure, I mean I quite like how we spend our Valentines slumped around," Jake gave me a look of 'are you fucking serious', "yeah okay why not, let me get ready though?" he nodded and just sat waiting.

I put my dress and flower crown on, grabbing my flats we headed out into the city, lights seemed brighter tonight in their glow. Couples walked hand in hand on the streets as they went to their desitination. "Wait you want to go there? You need hours of booking to get in there" I whisper yelled at Jake.

He had a smug smile on his face and just replied with, "I know."  I rolled my eyes at him, we most likely wouldn't get in.

"Hi yes, I have for two under Bugg, Jake Bugg." Jake smiled at the French waiter.

"Ah yes, sir Bugg right this way." I looked at him shocked we would even get in. Taking a seat out on the balcony seat over looking the water, the moon shone down onto the water making it look beautiful.

"Jake this must have costed a lot of money" no one really got this table, there were six tables like this but I was shocked we were the only ones outside.

He shrugged "it is worth it."

After dinner we sat with our desert, I looked at the fireworks that were going off and felt Jake grab my hand. "Paola" I looked at him "I know this is a long shot, but your my best friend and I was well wondering if you would go out with me?" he asked sweetly.

A smile spread across my face, "of course!" I said.

Everytime I remembered that I would blush and smile like a fool. Jake know's it is the same place I asked him out but what he doesn't know is it is the same exact table as he got last year, I think that would be good to do for our first anniversary.

My friend and I were walking together, as she was going to see her valentine- she had more of a dirty one planned, I had my cute dinner and maybe a movie. "So is Jake going to be there first?" she asked.

"Oh that would be amazing, but no it will be me there first, I am so excited and nervous all at the same time! Jake is such a sweet guy, and I never really got to ever do a cute Valentines with anyone." I replied.

"Not true, Josh" she looked at me.

I snorted, "please! Playing soccer is not a romantic date especially when it is cold and you get all muddy, it was not fun and that same night he said I wasn't fit enough to date because I ate pizza" I laughed at the horrible memory of my ex.

"So are you going to do anything cute with Matt?" I asked my friend.

She smiled and winked, "cute stuff in bed after we get all drunk."

"Oh great, you and your every year smutty valentines" I teased.

"It's fun!" she danced.

Stopping outside the resturaunt I hugged her, "well have a good Valentines and enjoy your chocolate I got you" I said to my best friend.

She nodded and smiled more, "you too! Text me tomorrow yeah and we can talk about our night?" I nodded and headed into the resturaunt.

"Hi yes, table for two under Paola Summers".

The same man from last year smiled, "of course right this way ma'am."

Sitting down at the table I looked at the time, one minute to seven. I could feel myself getting nervous. Did I plan this too much? What if Jake finds it lame? I don't think he would I mean he was the one who started all this by asking me out here, what if they don't do the free chocolate cake anymore, oh god Jake would be so upset.

It had been half hour, Jake hadn't shown up. I sighed and felt really upset, he told me he would be here. I grabbed my bag and just headed home; so much for the good cute Valentines we been talking about for so long.

Walking out into the cold I huddled my coat around me more, walking home. I glared at the couples as they walked past, thinking it could have been me with a smile on my face, but no it was just worthless.

Hours had gone by, it was nine PM now. Jake came creeping into the flat "babe? Happy Valentines" he smiled as he walked out of the hall, but I didn't smile I just glared. "What?" he asked.

"Happy Valentines?" I stood up looking at him "Jake I didn't see you all day and I told you to be at the place for seven pm, but you didn't fucking show! How could you Jake? You stood me up, I paid extra to have the exact same spot we did last year and I put so much thought into this just for you to blow it off!" I screamed at Jake.

Jake threw his jacket off "oh I am sorry I had to go and do something" he fought back.

"You always are doing something, and you never tell me what you're doing!" I screamed.

Jake came up and hugged me accepting the smacks on the chest of me trying to get out of the hug, but he held me until I stopped yelling at him and calmed down. "I know Paola, and I am really sorry but will you please come with me so I can give you your surprise."

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, Jake handed me a blindfold insisting I put it on,

It seemed like twenty minutes later we got to where we were going to get. I took the blinfold off to see the resturaunt Jake asked me out at, the one I was at earlier.

"I made sure to pay fuck extra so we could have this place to ourselves for an hour or two."

"Jake, It's amazing" I smiled at him, he led us to our table and sat me down.

"Now before we do anything, I want to do something," I nodded; Jake got down on one knee and pulled out a ring "Paola it is our very special day, the best day of our lives. We have known eachoher for six years, and dated for one, I wanted to know if you Paola will marry me?" he asked looking at me.

I felt tears slide down my cheek, "yes! Of course!" I said hearing everyone who worked there clap. Jake came up and kissed me nicely, I couldn't believe it. This was the best Valentines ever!

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