Prom Night (Andy Beirsack)

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~One Shot~

~Laeda’s P.O.V~

“Anddddddyyyyyyyyyyyy” I whined at him as he looked at me “I don’t wanna” I said walking out of the changing room in my prom dress.

My almost black hair with a tint of purple hung down my back as Andy looked at the black dress I was wearing.

“Laeda, you look amazing!” he smiled. Andy was my best friend and since prom was on tonight who better to go with than your own best friend? Andy was sweet guy though. He had his tux on with his thin black tie and his hair all nicely placed (note his hair is like how it was in Coffin) he wore black tight skinny jeans and my mother walked back from the counter

“Oh you look so cute!” she clapped her hands together looking at her daughter who was now embarrassed “stand together I want to get a picture” I stood beside Andy and he placed his hand on my back making me smile. Even if he was my best friend I couldn’t help but fall for him, I mean who wouldn’t?

When mom finally shut up about how I looked with Andy we decided to walk to prom. Andy held my hand and I couldn’t help but blush a little “so are you excited?” Andy asked looking at me

“It’s prom, nothing really to be excited about to be honest”

“Well CC want’s to dance on a table so maybe things will be interesting”

“So who is with who at the prom?” I looked up at him

Andy smiled and thought for a moment “CC and Jess, Jake and Ella, Jinxx and Sammie, Ashley and Zoe oh and of course me and you” he winked at me making me blush a bit more.

“Well maybe it won’t be so bad” I said walking inside with him hearing the crappy music they were playing “until of course you hear that” I could hear a chuckle leave Andy’s lips as he looked at me “you know I hate that music, you’re lucky you even got me to come to prom” I laughed

He nodded “true, very true but hey you’re here and you’re here with me. Let’s dance” he dragged me onto the dance floor and we danced along to music that was played or if I can even call that music. “You know Laeda, there was always one thing I forget to tell you every day when I see you” Andy whispered

“Oh-“ before I could finish Ashley ran to us and dragged us apart

“HEY GUYS HEY!!!!” he must have had sugar because he usually isn’t like that “what’s up butter cups?”

“Well Ash, I was about to Laeda something so if you mind” Andy tried to say

“Oh shit, CC is on the table” Ash pointed we all looked in the direction and laughed “CC” Ash walked off laughing leaving Andy and I.

I looked at CC and laughed more “CC MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON” I called over the music I turned to face Andy and smiled “sorry what did you want to say before CC wanted to strip and Ash wanting to be weird?”

Andy nodded “well I forgot to say something every time I saw you” he sighed

“That is?”

“I love you” I was shocked by what he had just said. My heart filled with flutters and my stomach got twisted with butterflies. “Should I have not said that?” he said

I snapped back and looked at his crystal blue eyes “what huh? No Andy I am just shocked because I know exactly how you feel” he smiled and blushed a little “I always liked you Andy, I just didn’t show it”

“Well this should be our first date” he smiled

Date? Yes! “I think that is a good idea, batman” I winked.

Andy stepped closer and put his arms around me “I love you my Robyn” he said calling me a character name. He locked his lips with mine and we both pulled away about a minute after

“I love you to batman” I put my forehead on his.


I AM SO SORRY!!!! I totally forgot I had this on my waiting list! I am so sorry it is short as well! Feel free to message me for another shot if you like.

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