Surprise Date (Petter Nilsson)

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~One Shot~

~Mikaela's P.O.V~

I sat with my friend Ren as she was in Sweden visiting her cousin and her husband. But this time she got to take a friends, aka why I am also with her in Sweden. But today was exciting, we found out something cool about her cousins husband

~Flash back~

"Ren, Mikaela come here for a moment" Ren's cousins husband called

We both jogged out in our Her Bright Skies tops and shorts as it was late at night "you called" Ren and I said at the exact same time making us laugh

"Yes I did, now I thought I would finally tell you the surprise" we both perked up. "I got you surprise dates with people tomorrow night at the place down the main street, now don't worry they're fluent with English. Tomorrow main street diner at seven, I will drive you guys so be ready"

"With who?" I asked

"Yeah" Ren said after

He planted a smile on his face and sipped his cola "going to have to wait and see now wont we" he winked while walking off

~End flash back~

Ten minutes to wait, Ren and I were excited yet nervous. I curled my dark black hair and I put simple eyeliner on. I grabbed a black dress with my black cardigan. I wanted to make a small example on who I am to this person

Ren had a blue long skirt that wasn't tight but wasn't too loose either, she also had a light blue top and her jean jacket. She thought, well her cousin thought she needed to be girly for once

"You girls ready?" her cousins husband asked

"You bet" I said walking past him, I knew him good as he reminded me of my own cousin. "So are you going to tell us who we are going on a date with?" I asked

A smug smile was on his face "nope" he smiled while opening the car door for us

it was a few minute drive to he diner. I looked over at Ren as she sat there starring at her cousins boyfriend, "Ren glare at me all you want, your not 12 anymore, doesn't work" he laughed, we were 20 now and he was 24 like Ren's cousin. When ever we glared at him it would always work and he would give up

We arrived at the diner and we walked in, Ren's cousin's husband showed us the way to our table, Ren and I both looked at one another then we heard their voice. "Hello there" we both snapped our heads towards the direction and there sat Jaybee and Petter... both members of her bright skies

"Girls, here are your dates, you're welcome" he patted us both on the shoulder. I sat across from Petter and Ren sat across from Jaybee "before you ask Mikeale, I know the guys... I grew up with them" he smiled "bye guys" he walked out and I went to call him back when Jaybee cleared his throat and I saw Petter looking at me

"Well, Ren shall we go to another table to leave them to talk?" Jaybee asked her

"I think that sounds good" she said as they both got up and left to another table across the room

Petter and I sat there in silence till he finally spoke up "I like your dress, it is very pretty" he said, I blushed a little. "Are you a shy type?" he asked. All I could do was nod a yes "will you ever speak on this date?"

"Yes" I giggled and he smiled a more oh my god she isn't mute thank god. "Oh and feel free to call me Miki, Ren does so" I smiled

We ordered something to share, it was a simple box of French fries

We were chatting away and I couldn't stop smiling at the fact I was on a date with thee Petter Nilsson "oh, I'm in a band by the way" he smiled sitting back

"I know, I'm a fan.... shit I mean I am a fan but I am not some kind of crazy stalker fan- you don't want to be on this date with me anymore, do you?" I said while sighing

"No I do, I think its amazing though. It means I know you will be supportive" he looked across the diner and so did I. Ren and Jaybee had left, what the fuck?

Petter threw a fiver down for the food and we walked out. When we got out I realised it was colder than I thought it would be, I shivered a little and he looked over at me "are you cold?" he asked

"Just a bit, don't worry" I said

Before I knew it I found his leather jacket around my shoulders "well its getting late, lets go find Jaybee and your friend"

We walked down a road and I saw a rock bar and someone was singing drunk, I stood there and watched as Petter and I got a good chuckle out of it "what are they doing?" I laughed

"Simple, making a fool of themselves. Its what Swedish people do when they're at rock bars and they're drunk" Petter laughed

"Well then, they need to learn to sing" we both burst into laughter and continued walking. " I'm sorry about my friend taking off like this, she is crazy" I sighed looking at him

Petter smiled "don't worry about it, I think Jaybee agreed as he is crazy as well, him and Jolle are craziest ones of the band"

"How Is Jolle anyways" I asked "last I checked Twitter he was feeling Ill" that made me sound stalker ish

"He's doing better now, he has more colour in him and he's eating more" Petter and I crossed the street and he showed me a great CD shop, loads of amazing bands in it. We heard the bell on the door opened and we turned our heads to see Jaybee and a Ren they were laughing and noticed us waving

We walked to them and I smiled "where the fuck did you to go?" I laughed as I hugged them both for some reason

Jaybee had a grin on his face "we went to the Rock Bar and watched people sing" Jaybee said, "and I know for a fact I can sing better than they can"

"Hell yeah you can" Ren giggled, her phone started ringing and she walked out the store as it was a bit noisy in here

"I had a great time Petter" I smiled at him "and I'm sorry if I wasn't the girl you were looking for" I said sheepishly

He shook his head "no, no you were don't worry"

"Miki, we have to go meet my cousin now" Ren called, Jaybee pouted and went to Ren

"well I guess this is it" I smirked while walking towards the door

"Wait can I have your number, I would like to go on a second date" Petter smiled, I nodded and written down my number for him

The whole car ride Ren and I were sharing stories of our date and how much we owe her cousins husband for making it possible, is night was one of thee best nights I have ever had and I can tell there is going to be more nights

My phone went off to find a text from a number I'm assuming was Petters

Petter: so how about that second date?;)


I am so sorry it is late Mikaela,I hope you like it, if not feel free to request another one, or just request one if you want.

Hope you liked it

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