Drama's back (Andy Biersack)

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~One Shot~

~Andy Biersack- Black Veil Brides~

~Nicole’s P.O.V~

I was at a party with my friend; well it went more like this.

~Flash back~

“Nicole!” my friend Jess yelled to me.

I walked out of the spare room I was in for right now, well the room I had as I was moving in with her. “What is it?” I asked looking at her.

She smiled and crossed her arms “get ready, we’re going to a party” she said.

Not being in the mood to protest if I should or shouldn’t go, I followed her order and got changed into a black dress and put black converse on. It may not look good to people but damn I liked the outfit I had on.

I walked through a crowd with Jess glancing around the room. My crystal blue eyes had black eyeliner lining them. I smiled as it was decent music getting played.

Jess and I swayed a bit the bass line in Going to hell by the pretty reckless. I saw people setting up on a stage and I saw a man facing away. Jess smiled at me and shrugged “surprise!” when she said that I turned back to the stage and saw him. Andy.

My heart raced and I looked back at her “he’s here?!” everyone looked at me “god sake, you know I don’t want to be near him” I whispered.

“I know, I know bu-“ Jess got cut off.

“Girls, if you have something to say, why not say it to my face?” Andy smiled; he didn’t know it was me. I looked up the stage and his eyes went softer when he saw me. “Nicole?”

Rolling my eyes I walked out, I started walking down the street feeling anger build up in me, why would she hide that from me? I felt a hand on my arm and when I looked to see who it was, it was the last person I wanted to see. “What do you want Andy!” I yelled.

He looked at me and smiled “I wanted to say you look great”

“Oh don’t start” I snapped.

Andy looked at me in confusion “start?” he asked “Nicole I was just wondering if-“

“If I wanted to get back together, Andy you dumped me. Why would I want you?” I said, he could just leave and walk off.

A sigh left his lips as his shoved onto mine. Andy kissed me but not wanting to fall for him again I shoved him off. Not saying goodbye I just walked off, and it hurt. It hurt a lot.


Few days had gone by now, Andy was texting and trying to phone me but I was just curled up on my sofa in sweats and a top never wanting to go outside again. “Nicole maybe seeing Andy will do you some good?” she suggested sitting beside me.

“I want to but I can’t” my voice was low.

Jess looked at me and shook her head “he’s in the hotel down the street, come on text him. I know you love him” she did have a fair point there. I did love Andy still.

My mind mentally slapped myself as I felt myself giving in “no” I said swiftly tossing my phone on the table behind me.

She rolled her eyes and got up. I couldn’t be bothered looking so I just stayed focus on the TV.

~Andy’s P.O.V~

I paced around the pool while the guys swam, Ashley was tanning and CC was drinking his cold beer. “Andy, she’ll text” Ash smiled at me pulling his shades down a bit so I could see him.

“I don’t think she will, god why did I ever break up with her especially after I hurt her.

Jake shrugged and splashed Jinx “Andy you never know” he smiled.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was Nicole’s ID. Picking it up I smiled “Nicole!” I said.

A chuckle on the other side of the phone “no, no Andy it’s me Jess, her friend. Look she really is messed up, she hasn’t gotten any work done look I will text you our apartment number, I will be at the door. But I suggest you don’t come alone” she said hanging up.

I looked at my phone as that’s exactly what she done. “Right, Ash come on” I said kicking his boot.

Ashley looked at me but didn’t say anything, just carried on and followed me.

My heart was pounding; I was going to see Nicole again.

“Relax” Ashley chuckled.

I glared at him and continued walking.

~Nicole’s P.O.V~

I had gotten dressed-finally- into some skinny jeans and a black v-neck. Jess went out somewhere for something, I walked into the kitchen turning the kettle on when I heard the door open. I walked to the hall to go ask Jess something when I saw him, Andy.

“You’re fucking kidding me?” I sighed out.

Jess looked at me and Andy “you two need to talk things out it’s clear you two need one another” she said.

Ashley nodded “I agree with her, I mean just talk things out” he smiled.

“Do they know what you done to me?” I crossed my arms.

Andy shook his head, “right well now they will. Andy and I dated for two years before and I thought this was going to be the best time of my life. Then I kept hearing he was sleeping with other girls, I didn’t believe it as I loved him. Then I walked in on him and someone, some cheap slut. I died inside, I was gone. Once she was out and he walked out fully dressed he said he wanted to break up and left and I never saw him again” everyone looked at Andy.

“Yes, but Nicole. I love you!” he protested looking around “Nicole, I love you just please let me try to make things better” he asked.

Ashley grabbed Jess’s hand and headed out the door “come on, let’s leave them” he said. She followed along.

I looked at Andy his crystal blue eyes matching mine, “Andy why” I said feeling my mind recall what happened that night.

Andy shook his head “I was 19, I didn’t mean it. Nicole ever since that night I knew I lost the only person I want, I really just want to try again” he said softly barely a whisper.

My eyes were full of tears as I looked at him, I didn’t know what to say. Andy nodded and started heading towards the door. “Andy wait” I said, he looked back at me and I walked to him pushing my lips onto his, I felt him smile and kiss me back. “I love you, Andy” I said.

“I love you too Nicole.”


Hey! I hope this was okay, if you want you can ask for another one?

One-Shots~Re-quest open~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz