Scarlet fever;) (Andy Biersack)

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~One shot~

~Andy Biersack.~

~Scar's P.O.V~

"Scar, what on earth are you doing upside down?" Andy laughed as he looked at me in a funny way.

I let a giggle out as I slumped my body over, "tour is boring me! Yeah I love it and all, but fucking hell I am bored!" I whined as I fixed my blonde hair so it didn't hide my blue eyes.

Andy let out a raspy chuckles; he nodded "it is pretty boring, look we have a while before show time, whay do you say we go walk about, you know in the outside world?" he suggested.

Jumping up and smiling I nodded, "thought you would never ask, let's go!" I grabbed my killstar bag and dragged Andy outside the venue.

We somehow made it past the fans, making out cost clear.

Together we walked down the streets of London, hand in hand. Nothing was meant when we done that- even when I did have feelings for Andy.
We were deep into conversation when I stopped dead in my tracks, Andy let go of my hand looking at me. "Oh my god! They have Lush!" I cried of happiness pointing at the glass doors to my favourite bath bomb shop.

"Fuck" Andy cursed under his breath.

"Andy come on!" I dragged him in like a little kid so excited for everything.
Walking around the store I saw a Soot ball bath bomb from Spirited Away "oh Andy look! It's so cute! Can I get one, oh please Andy!" I did a puppy dog face.

He sighed "only if you promise we can leave this store right after" he looked at me in the eyes.

I nodded in agreement, Andy quickly picked up the Soot ball bath bomb before I could get one word out and handed her the money. The women put the bath bomb in the small Lush bag and handed it back to Andy who handed me it.

Andy dragged me- because I was starting to glance at other ones- out of the shop; we walked into the mall to hear loud screaming of excitment, three teenage girls all came up to us smiling happily waiting for one of their friends to speak. "A-Andy can we get pictures with you?" one of the girls asked timidly.

He smiled "of course!" Andy wrapped his arm around the fans as they started taking couple of photo's together making them all giggle at their faces.

The girls were talking to Andy when one of her friend's glanced over at me and walked over, "I see your tweets all the time, can I get a photo with you?" the girl asked shyly.

I smiled and nodded "of course! Just one quickk thing, let me take this off my phone" the girl smiled and we got togther. I snapped a few shots off my phone and went onto the Twitter app. "What's your Twitter name?" she told me her Twitter url and I smiled, hitting follow and then to tweet her.

"Hey guys! I met my first ever fan today, isn't she cute? She's my #1 fan!"

Hitting send her phone lit up, showing I had tweet her. She even had a few tweets saying that people were jealous of her.
After we all parted ways Andy knudged me, "that was really nice you know" he smiled down on me.

"Well I am a nice person," we walked down the halls, being stopped every so often by fans but Andy always kept a smile on his face. "Hey girls, did you know Andy ran out of eyeliner today and asked me to do his makeup because he thinks using girls makeup is bad luck," I teased Andy.

The fans giggled "yet he uses it no matter what" we all joined in the giggling.

Andy's cheeks went red and he laughed "ha-ha yes I have to use Scar's makeup but on this way to the tour she lost her phone charger in her hotel room." He tried getting me back.

"Like Aarron Pauley?" one girl asked.

I winked, "exactly like Aarron Pauley".

We got back to the venue- shockingly all in one piece. "Hey look there's the love birds!" Jinxx joked as he was tuning his guitar.

I flipped him off and headed to the back to get the box's of merch to set up. I felt a hand on my back, and when I turned I saw it was Andy "so you excited to see us play tonight?" he asked smiling down on me.

I put my hands on my hips- I wore black leggings with black boots, a grey tank top and a red and blue plaid tee-shirt. "I see you play every night, what make's this one so exciting?" I asked.

Andy let out a low chuckle, "because there's a surprise tonight" he kissed my cheek and headed off to soundcheck.
Putting my hand on the spot where Andy kissed; I could feel my heart race as butterflies entered my stomach.

Show time eventually came, I stood behind the merch table watching the opening band- D.R.U.G.S (Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows) were playing their song "we all know, we all know, we all know by now that you're the only thing you talk about!" the whole crowd including I sang.

The set was good, fans seemed to enjoy it, and that is what mattered is seeing all these kids forget their fucked up lives for a few hours, and always have that memory of how the escaped it just for that little time.

After D.R.U.G.S a band I didn't know were on, they were decent enough to get a few pits going and telling someone to stop hurting a fan- whom later that person got kicked out.

Than came the final band, the band the kids had all been waiting for. Screaming happened when Andy ran on stage with CC and the rest of the guys not fair behind. "How are you all tonight!" Andy screamed into the microphone making the girls screams- even males too.

It was Black Veil Brides last song, but Andy pointed right at me "clear a path, I want Scarlett on stage with us, Dan take Merch over, Scar walk to the stage." looking at him as if he were insane he laughed "come on Scar, we have cerfew soon, don't keep the kids waiting."

Nodding I just joined Andy on stage and he smiled "now what is one song you keep singing on the bus?" he asked.

Pointing the microphone at me I looked at him, "ugh Closure by Asking Alexandria?"

"Other one" Andy said.

"God bless you, by well you guys?" I tried again,

"No, other one" Andy smiled like a kid.

"Rebel yell?"

"Bingo!" he pointed, "you get to help us do Rebel yell" he winked at me.

"Last night a little dancer, came dancin' through my door
Last night a little angel, came pumping on my floor
She said come on baby, I've got a license for love
And if it expires, pray help from above, because

In the midnight hour, she cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour babe more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
More, more, more!" Andy sang.

Andy and I were dancing on the stage, singing and having fun. I knew I liked Andy it just made me sad knowing he didn't like me back.

"I'd sell my soul, for you, babe
For money to burn, with you
I'd give you all, and have none, babe
Just to, just to, just to, just to, to have you here by me, because

In the midnight hour, she cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour babe more, more, more
With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more
More, more, more!

Ooh yeah, little baby
She want more
More, more, more, more, more!
Ooh yeah, little angel
She want more
More, more, more, more, more!" Andy sang the last verse grabbing the mic "well I hope you have had a good time here, my I must say I think I have a fever" he wiped the sweat off his face "know as Scarlett fever" he winked. I turned to see Andy's lips on mine.

We both pulled away from the kiss, fans screaming, some crying even. Andy smiled at me "Scarlett, will you go out with me?" Andy asked.

I tugged him down and pushed my lips onto his, "of course" I smiled.
My dream came true, my dancer came dancing right through my door. I was loving it right now.
I am sorry it wasn't that good, I tried my best :C
Also song lyrics and band names go to all original owners, I do not own Rebel Yell from Billy Idol nor do I own rest of details in this one shot. All rights go to their original owner.

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