Cheesy Christmas (Jake Bugg)

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~One Shot’s~

~Jake Bug~

~Emily’s P.O.V~

I had just finished moving to Nottingham, I lived in a small apartment that was in a street with stores and a small café. The closest Tesco was about 15 minutes away.

Pulling out my keys I felt a tap on my shoulder; turning I saw a man, not any man the man I had a crush on ever since I could remember it was his idea I moved her.

“Jake!” I cheered hugging him with the hand I had free.

He smiled “Emily!” he cheered just as loud, “god I missed you man” he smiled taking the bag out of my hands “I got the furniture all set for you, I even got you a tree” he pointed out at the tree.

Chuckling I put the chocolate and fruit away safely in the fridge and the cupboards “it looks great! But I have to run to Tesco, god knows I want a good food for Christmas” I laughed slightly.

Jake nodded and waved his car keys “let me drive you, it could be fun” he said.

We gotten to his car and when we both got buckled in we headed out to Tesco, once we pulled to the driveway of it we noticed it was fairly busy “god I hate last minute Christmas shopping” I muttered looking at the line of cars behind us.

Once we parked Jake and I made our way inside the warmth hitting us nicely “It is really nice having you here for Christmas” Jake smiled.

“Jake, you have me here to stay” I said laughing at him “come on let’s get some food” I grabbed his hand as we got a cart. Him being childish decided to place me inside the cart and grab stuff off shelves. “Jake!” I pointed at the mac and cheese “we need some! Come on I want one” I pouted as he pulled the cart away from the self “no” I whined going to get up but only finding myself falling onto my butt as he pushed the cart forwards so I could get a box.

“There” he smirked.

“Oh don’t dare smirk like Kier Kemp” I chuckled “anyways I think this should be enough I mean I am sure from me falling on my ass I squished the cookies” I pointed.

He helped me out the cart and both of us went to checkout.

Once we were finally back at mine Jake ordered a pizza and we put on a Tim Burton film whilst we got started decorating the tree “I can’t believe they didn’t kick us out” he said “I was sure for us acting like children we would get kicked out.”

“Maybe next time”

“Hope so, I really want to be kicked out of a store”


“Because it seems badass” we both burst out laughing at that. We finished the tree and turned the lights on for it “now that is one good looking tree” he smiled.

Looking at it I tilted my head “are you sure there is enough tinsel”? I asked.

He put his arm on my shoulder and sighed “sadly we are out of tinsel and you can barely see the tree there is already that much tinsel, Emily, so no more besides if we put any more on I have a feeling it will catch fire” I done a o shape with my mouth and there was a knock at the door.

Grabbing my money I rushed to the door “pizza is here!” I screamed opening the door, handing the guy the money I smiled “keep the money” I smirked closing the door behind me.

“Someone is in a Christmas mood”

“How so”

“Usually you get change, but hey I am starving so let’s pig out and watch films” he said.

We both sat down eating pizza watching as many movies as we could.

Jake put his arm around me and I couldn’t help but blush, how was I supposed to react? He was my- and still is- high-school crush.

It was late now and Jake yawned “I better head off, I will see you in the morning” he kissed my cheek making me blush and he quickly walked out the door before I could even get one word out.

Smiling I decided it was a perfect time to wrap his gifts, I had been saving up for these and I know it isn’t much but I got him twenty gifts, some of them are very expensive.

Carefully wrapping them I was listening to the film that was still playing, smiling at my wrapping skills I put them under the tree seeing the time was two am.

Looking at the door wanting him to walk through and stay with me I sighed, “Merry Christmas, Jake” I whispered. His apartment was right across from mine but it still felt as if he was miles away.

I lied down on the sofa feeling my eyes getting heavier and heavier every time I blinked soon feeling sleep over run me.

After a nice dream I was rudely awoken by a knock at my door, groaning I sat up seeing the time was only 9 am, sighing I got up opening the door seeing Jake standing there with a bag “Merry Christmas!” he said happily walking in.

“Merry Christmas, Jake” I smirked shutting the door and fixing my hair,

Jake and I both sat cross legged in front of one another on the floor and opened our gifts “Jake honestly these are the best gifts ever, I love them thank you” I smiled hugging him.

“Hold on, there’s one more” he said handing me an envelope, “open it” he smirked but he seemed nervous.

Carefully opening it I saw it was a letter.

To Emily,

We have known one another for quiet sometime now, and I wanted to say I have some- feelings for you so here is a small list of things about you I love

One- when you are nervous when you bite your thumb nail.

Two- the way you treat people with so much love.

Three- your eyes

Four- your style and music taste

Five- you.

I like the fifth one most, Emily I wanted to tell you for years now but I guess I always was so nervous to tell you. But it is true, I love you but thing is, do you love me?

I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked at him “Jake, of course I love you” I smiled hugging him “I love you.”

“So Emily, will you go out with me?” he asked shyly.

Smiling I nodded “of course I will Jake, how could I ever say no to you?”

Once our day went by we sat eating our Christmas dinner, we made it really fancy but we decided to have mac and cheese first as well we thought we had a cheesy Christmas telling someone you love them and them hooking up. But we didn’t care this was our cheesy Christmas.

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