Ch. 30: Defiant

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"Die?" Sarah walked towards the opening of her small stand. "Is that you?"

"Hi, Sarah.." Die pulled down his hood. "Can I... come in?"

"Of course, child. Please come in." She turned and walked into the back.

Die hadn't visited for a number of weeks which worried her greatly.

"Sit, sit, please." She walked over to a teapot over a small fire. "I was very worried about you. I haven't heard from you in so long."

"I know and I'm really sorry." He fiddled with his thumbs. "It's been really rough.. So much has been going on and I feel so alone."

"What about (Y/n)? Isn't she there to help?"

"I did something that put a dent in our relationship."

"And what is that?"

"I raised my voice at her. I hit her." Die paused, disgusted with himself. "She won't even look at me the same."

Sarah nodded, then thought about what he said. "Well, did she deserve it?"

Die looked up at her with confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"You must tread carefully around her. Remember she is dangerous. She may be your friend, yes, but you are heading down a path of darkness following her."

"She wouldn't hurt me, Sarah. She's a fighter, a killer, and after I hit her, she cowered and ran. Not a hint of fear, but pain. Hurt. I betrayed her trust."

"You asserted your dominance. Tell me, was she standing up to you? Was she talking down on you?"

"I started it though."

Sarah slammed her fist on the table causing silence. "You are letting your emotions get in sight of whats important."

"But she is what's important, Sarah."

"And does she feel the same towards you?" Sarah turned with anger burning in her eyes. "Please tell me, child, you haven't gone through the process..."

"De uno suo? No, no I haven't. We've become quite distant lately.."

"I will give you one word of advice. Do not allow the De uno suo to occur. As the leader, you cannot allow yourself to become weaker. You are the example that people look up to."

He grew less confused and angrier as she carried on. How dare someone talk down on (Y/n). She didn't know her, or her kindness.

"Whatever happens will happen. I can handle my own, Sarah."

"You are clearly under this love spell and it's holding you back."

"Holding me back from what?"

"Permanent control of this world!" She grew excited. "Think of it, Die, everything your way when you want it the way you want it. You would not have to worry about the concerns of that bratty girl or the weaker parts of you."

"Have you gone mad? I can't betray Anti and especially Dark like that." Die stood up. "And (Y/n) is NOT a brat. Where is all this coming from?"

"I may not be your mother, but you are like a son to me, and I will speak to you in the most honest position possible. I don't sound harsh for no reason."

"I think I should go."

"Are you upset with me?"

Die pulled his hood over his head. "I'll visit soon. Take care of yourself, Sarah."

He walked out of the back room and into the street with the marketplace full of people. As much as he cared for Sarah, he did not care for her words. He was strong, and he was doing the right thing. This was all done with his friends and (Y/n) in mind.

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