Ch. 7: Clever Girl

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"May I have this dance, Ms. Spero?"

"I'd be honored." Anxiety began to crawl up her back.

(Y/n) went from avoiding attention to having two out of the three elites talking to her. She was sure Dark knew her secret, her plan, everything.

He took her hand and place the other on her waist, leading her along.

"So, Spero, Die mentioned you're a hero back home, do tell."

"Back home? Oh, well, humans they seem to think the laws don't apply to them. They abuse what's been given to them." She decided to tell the truth but twist the story replacing the demons she'd actually hunt with humans. "In the evenings they try to attack our kind before the sun sets. I took it upon myself to defend everyone. Each night I go out and I hunt them down before they can target us. I find them, and I kill them."

"Ahh, do you believe this has to do with the rebellion at all?"

"It's a possibility. I believe anyone who doesn't abide by the laws is already in the rebellion whether they say so or not."

"I couldn't agree more with you."

She didn't like his attitude or the way he presented himself. It was time to stir the pot and create some uneasiness about him.

"I've recently heard a rumor about this ball." Her eyes wandered the room.

"You have? What have you heard if you don't mind me asking?"

"There's a rebel here, isn't there?"

He smiled at her, then moved closer to her, "And who have you heard this from?"

"Not heard, smelled."

"You know, if you speak one word of this to any other member here, I'll have no choice but to kill you."

"By all means, sir, I won't say a word, but if I smelled it, then who's to say they already haven't."

He back away, assuming his previous dancing position, "I can assure you there are no humans here other than my servants."

"Well as you so graciously pointed out before, I have a mouth, but so do humans, and humans like to talk much more than I do."

Dark was drawn back by her words, no one in their right mind would talk to him in such a way. He looked over his shoulder, slightly aggravated with her, to keep an eye out for his servants, he saw a few standing side by side whispering to one another.

She knew what he was up to, "For all we know, they could very well be talking about the human here."

"How do you even come to such conclusions?" His voice hardened, and his 'kindness' slipped away. "You are a simple demon from the middle of nowhere."

"And yet I'm more aware of your surroundings than you are." She smirked at him.

"Are you insulting my intelligence?" He sneered. "May I remind you of who you're talking to."

"People who defend themselves like you are the ones who are usually insecure about something. You know perfectly well that I know who you are."

"And demons who speak like you don't usually make it outside of these castle walls, unfortunately."

"I guess I'll be fortunate enough to make it out then, won't I?"

"With that tongue, I doubt it."

"Then what will you gain from it?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"By chance, let's say I did anger you enough with my words alone, and you decided to kill me, what would you gain from it?"

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