I am in love With you

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You say you love me, I say you crazy
We're nothing more than friends
You're not my lover, more like a brother

Third person's POV

"Hi there"Amal says softly

"Hey"The boy says he looked nothing like the trouble some friend she had, his eyes were swollen and red probably from crying, his voice was so husky like he has cried too much which he probably has.

"How is he?"Amal asks softly yet curiously, she didn't want to wait but ripped out the question on her mind like a band aid.

"His uh...the doctor told me earlier on that he might not uh..."Zach starts to say but then he trailed of not wanting to say it out loud, maybe because he is still yet to actually accept and believe it.

"I'm so sorry" Amal apologizes

"Don't apologize,this is just fate" Zach says making Amal nod as if he was next to her which he wasn't.

"Yeah but still I'm sorry, i have been praying for him" she confesses making Zach's eyes to widen

"What?" he replies in disbelief

"Yeah I have, i'm sorry I know you don't believe in thi-"

"No it's okay!, thanks for praying for my ...dad" Zach says running a hand through his mess of a hair pulling at it making his friend frown.

"And you?" she asks carefully

"Me?, what's wrong with me?" Zach asks with a frown

"Are you okay?" She asks again

"I'm not the one,that is sick"Zach states questionably sounding confused

"I know just- take care of yourself" Amal whispers making him stare at her for a second before he looked away.

"i'm just,I want to go back in with him" Zach says looking away from his phone screen

"bye" Amal says before Zach hangs up making Amal let out a sigh before laying in her bed

Everyone had noticed Amal sadness that was flowing out of her in waves, they had tried to talk to her but she shrugs the comment of by saying she had examinations, of cause she is stressed they all let her be, not wanting to pressure her too much.

"Does this have anything to do with Zach dad's death?, poor boy he has to go through that at such a young age" Azad says with a sad smile making her sisters eyes to widen in realization

"Zach dad's is dead?" she questions in fear

"Yeah it was on the news, this morning that one of the world biggest entrepreneur Xavier Perez had passed away the night before" Azad states making her sister to quickly stand up hurriedly

"Oh my God,I need to call him" Amal yells to no one in particular before hanging up on her big sister, she dials his number before the second ring was heard the voice, the call had been answered.

"He's dead" Zach voice says sounding so distant it scared her.

"I know" Amal says the lines goes silent before the sound of him sobbing filled her ear as he broke down for the first time since they met making Amal's eyes to water she can feel his pain,she can relate to his pain.

"It's not your fault" Amal states knowing the thoughts that would be clouding the boys head, she wishes that she could stretch her hand all the way to France to embrace her best friend because, he needs her right now, she didn't notice the tears gushing down her own cheek, they didn't know for long the crying session went on, but it went on with Amal comforting him.

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