No relationships for me until am forty

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"Reality would ruin your imaginations,so please don't make that your safe place or else you will crash"

Dedicated to Xx_NorikoFoxy_xX


Their persons POV

"Yeah Bye Mr kelvin" Zachary says to the weird drama teacher who was actually one of his favorite teacher. Before he walked out of the drama theatre starting to make his way towards the garden, which he and Amal had decided to meet well he is confused on where she would be honestly, still in class or at the garden?.

He walked down the hallway he could only hope that she isn't mad at him because he knows he is late, 30 minutes late to be exact but that's not his fault...the teacher had asked him to stay back.

He smiles as he steps into garden only to see no one there making him frown,  he closed the door starting to make his way back towards the next turn leading to science class.

He frowns as he sees the crowd gathered around the science class making his heart drop in panic why? he still has no idea. he unconsciously let's go of his lunch bag before he started rushing forward, pushing the people away not answering them when they say "hey" angrily.

After about a minute he was able to get to the front of the crowd he found a police officer putting the keep out sign circling a pool of blood making him frown.

"Get back" she screams at them but of course no one listens

"What happened here mam?" Zach ask he has no idea about why his heart was beating so fast...fear,sadness, fright,confusion...maybe all at once.

"A hate crime" she states making Zach frown the more his heart skipped another beat.

"A hate crime in school?" he asks in disbelief

"Yes son the students involved are actually above 18" she says wanting everyone to stop asking her questions that was none of their business

"How does that make it a hate crime that should be labeled as a fight" i can't help but to point out the obvious.

"not when the other person didn't touch them well in this case,the girl couldn't hurt them if she tried" the officer says with sad smile and Zach can feel the tension flowing in his blood.

"She?" he asks slowly as if he didn't want to hear it yet he did...and yes curiosity does kill cats.

"Three guys where found jumping a Muslim girl just because I quote 'she looks like a member of ISIS and she deserves to die'" the police officer states making his heart stop,this was what he was scared of hearing yet now that he has heard it now, he felt like all the air got knocked out of him and he just wanted to know how she is.

"Where is she?" He asks almost yelling in panic and guilt...wondering why he couldn't have known that his friend got jumped by a group of guys.

"What?" she asks eyeing the boy for being rude.

"The girl please tell me" he pleaded with his eyes welling up the police woman stared at the boy with wide eyes, the boy looked like he was a minute from having a break down, she couldn't help but to wonder who this girl was to him.

"The police took the boys to the police station turns out they are not even from this school" She says hoping it would make him feel better.

"What?" Zach asks in disbelief

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