Ch. 13: In the End

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Talking with Will was nice. We chatted a little longer after our talk about my missing hearts. We talked about a lot, like our hobbies, schools, and friends and family. It was nice. We didn't touch any more serious topics, but that was a breath of fresh air. I kind of got to know him, finally.

When we had to leave, I was actually sad, because I can't even text him tomorrow morning (extra chores). I'm going to miss him, actually... Which, I hate but still.

I hate love but it makes me feel so good when it lasts. It's an incredible, complex thing.



Percy wasn't just loyal to his loved ones, he was loyal to the world. Loyal to those in need. And he was a good person, who died nobly, but what's the point in being noble if...

Percy promised me that we would be together forever. That we would never separate again. There was a time when we broke up, and neither of us could take it. It was awful.

He broke that promise, in August. On his birthday. We were walking down the street... we passed a bank that was being robbed, some teenage kid around our age in a mask and a gun. His name was Luke Castellon. Castellon held a gun to a little boy's head, and Percy got in the way.

I thought for sure he would've died then, but he didn't. He took the gun, and called the police. The boy got back home to his mom, and the police took Luke. I don't know what they did with Luke, but I hope he shaped up after that. I could never point a weapon at a child.

But the gun. Percy kept the gun. He left before the police arrived, and since Luke technically hadnt committed the crime yet, they just didn't care enough to come get it.

I didn't know he kept it. His mom had a strict "No violence unless they're beating you half to death" policy.

He put the gun in his drawers.

One night, he put it to his head. Didn't blow his brains out, though. I think having the gun was a safety net for him. He knew he could escape any time, so he didn't care much about a lot of things. Most things. So nothing hurt as bad as it would've if he did.

He was loyal. To others. And the world. So he stayed. But he struggled, still.

We walked to the rooftop of the science building in our high school. It was nice. We looked up at the stars, made jokes and watched the cars pass by below us.

That's when he told me about the gun. All our laughter turned to tears as he told me how many times he'd wanted to pull that trigger, but he didn't for me. For me.

And then he stepped on the edge of the rooftop. I couldn't tell what he was doing. How would I know that he'd do anything in front of me? But he hovered his leg over.

I tried to hold in my tears. He looked back at me and gave me his lopsided grin that I could never forget, and then...

I mean, what else could have happened? I couldn't stop him in time.

He left me. And I realized, it was in Percy's nature. He was loyal to everything, even his dark thoughts.

And it was for me, wasn't it? Holding on... and then letting go. For me.

I just wish it didn't have to happen. I don't know what I could've done different and I never will because he never told me. He just loved me, loyal was he was.

And Reyna... gods, Reyna... She helped me cope with Percy--for as much as she could, anyway. And, my family, but that's another story for another time.

She was beautiful too, Reyna. I loved her so much. I thought she felt the same, but no... It was "just a crush" to her, it "wouldn't have lasted" forever. I'm just a boy to her now.

Just a lonely boy, with no one to love but... Will. No one to love but him, with so many risks.

Let's hope this doesn't end sour too, right? (It will.)

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