Ch. 8: Hi, Will (Pt. 2)

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Nico: Um... Hi, Will. This is Nico, your um... yeah, that, and I just wanted to say I'm very sorry about Sunday. I have a lot of bad experience with red hearts. You didn't do anything wrong. I hope you still had a fun time, though (even though you probably didn't). But, um... how are you? I was hoping we could talk, since we didn't get to at the beach.

Will: Hi, Nico!!!! I'm so happy you texted, I've been waiting to talk with you!! Don't worry about the beach, it's okay, things happen. Can we set up a time to talk in person? I feel like that'd be much better. ♡

Nico: Oh, okay. I'm open after school today... if that's all right.

Will: Yeah! Wanna go to a cafe?

Nico: I don't drink coffee. How about a park?

Will: Sure! Text me the address.

Nico: Okay. Thank you.

Will: I'm excited!!!

Nico: Yeah

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"So? You're smiling..."

I forgot Hazel was next to me.

"We're meeting after school today."

"YAY!" I flinch at her outburst. "Good luck! Need a ride?"

"No, it's just the park, but thanks."

"The park? Romantic!"

"Not really."



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