Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

 “I’m leaving.”

That one sentence that hurt my heart. That one sentence that made me feel sick. The promise we once made, broken, forgotten. On our 100th day anniversary, we promised to never leave each other’s side.

My boyfriend AJ. He was leaving. To America.

Tears welled up in my eyes. He squeezed my hands, trying to comfort me which wasn’t a very good attempt.

“Please, don’t cry.” He brushed his thumb against my cold and pale skin. I looked into his beautiful eyes. “How.. How can I not cry, AJ.. We’ve been together for almost 3 years! THREE YEARS! How can I not cry when you suddenly come and say that you’re leaving me..” I was a serious mess. Teary-red eyes and a runny nose. His eyes were filled with pity, and guilt, struggling to hold tears back.

“Look, Yejin, my parents forced me. They want me to study in America. I’ll come back as soon as possible. I promise.” I scoffed. “You promise, huh. How about the promise we made on our 100th day anniversary. Forgot about that, huh?” There was a slight angriness in my voice, but it wasn’t that noticeable and I wasn’t even angry. Reality just hit me. Hard. AJ pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair.

“Yejin, don’t be like this. I literally begged my parents not to let me study in America. It was my dream when I was young, yes, but I don’t want to anymore. My parents were just so persistent that I had too.” He whispered.

“Can’t they let you study here, in Korea?” I sobbed in his shirt that was soaked with my tears.

“They say the universities in America are way better than they are here.” He sighed and stepped back, looking into my puffy eyes.

“Let’s promise each other, that we won’t cheat on each other while I’m gone. We’ll contact every day, doesn’t matter how. But let’s just make this one more promise, mkay?” I nodded half-heartedly and smiled a little.

“You better not cheat on me.” He stuck his tongue out and tapped my nose.

“I won’t.” I pecked his lips. “When are you leaving?” He suddenly frowned. “Tonight.. I need to board my flight at around 8PM and I didn’t pack so I actually need to right now, since it’s already 4PM.”

I nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” “Because I was afraid you would ignore me the moment after. That you would just turn your back to me.” I smiled a little and hugged him tight.

“I will ‘never’ do that.” I rubbed my now sore eyes. He smiled and patted my head.

“I love you, baby.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“I love you too.” He looked at his phone and frowned. “I need to go now. Or I will miss my flight.” I kissed him for the last time. I just want to hold him tight and never let go. But I know he has to do this for his parents. And for himself of course. “I will see soon, Yejinnie.” And then he left. Leaving a huge hole in my heart.

Lucky he came to my house cause if I had to walk back, I would just break down in the middle of the street and probably lie down until I blacked out. And exactly that was what I did.


I woke up by a yelling brother. He hovered over me, shaking me harshly because Eli apparently thought I was died all of a sudden. “What happened to you! Your face is so ugly!” He was his usual self, I used to get mad at him but I figured out it was a typical Eli-thing. 

“Omg Eli, thank you for calling me ugly. Totally needed that..” I sat right up and hugged my knees. He noticed it was serious and changed his playful gaze in a serious one.

“Who did it and what happened to you?” His stern gaze almost scaring me. I sighed loudly and fought against the upwelling tears. “AJ, he’s leaving.” Eli looked confused. “Leaving to where?” “America..” Eli sat next to me and gave a comfortable hug. “Oh, Yejinnie.. When is he leaving?” I looked at my watch. 8:15PM. “He’s already gone..” Eli looked at me with pity and hugged me tighter. “Just remember you favorite big brother is here for you to protect you now.” He winked and laughed. I smiled. “I’m hungry..” Eli’s eyes brightened. “Let’s eat ice cream, my ass is too lazy to cook for you, woman.” I laughed. “Do I need to feel burdened?” “Yes, very.” He smirked and piggybacked me to the kitchen. “Let’s just not get bowls and eat straight from the icethingy, don’t really know what it’s called.” Eli said, grabbing the two biggest spoons. “You just read my mind Kyoungie.” “Can you stop using that nickname already?” He whined. I just waved my hands and stole a spoon from him, immediately eating the ice cream. “You know Kyoungie, sometimes I just want to kill you cause you’re so annoying, but I actually can’t live without you.” I smiled a little and returned my gaze at the delicious food in front of me. “No need to tell me. I know I’m amazing.” He said in his cockiest voice. ‘At least I still have you..’ My eyes saddened but I shrugged it off, thinking about that now wasn't going to solve anything.

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