"What about tomorrow?" She looks hopeful.

Damn. So close. I guess it won't hurt to hang out with her tomorrow. I mean how bad can it be?

"Sure." She gives me a big smile at my answer and then turns her attention to Mr. Fitz who just walked in.

I wonder why she wants to hang out tomorrow.


"You said yes to hanging out with her?!" Hanna yells slightly, getting some people's attention in the parking lot.

"What's the big deal?" I shoot back.

"She's weird and creepy that's what the big deal is." Aria nods her head in agreement with her girlfriend. 

"Well, it's too late. I already told her yes and I'm not backing out." I open the door to my car and put my bag in. 

"She tried to kiss me freshmen year, okay!" Hanna throws her hands up in defeat. Aria glares while I just stare at her in shock.

"So she's gay?" I question in which Hanna nods.

"She took it really bad when I rejected her. She went as far as to tell people I tried to kiss her. The girl is a freak, Emily. If I were you, I wouldn't hang out with her tomorrow." 

"I can't just tell her no after saying yes." 

"Tell her something came up." Aria suggests.

"And what about the rest of the other days?" I challenge.

"Tell her you're busy for the rest of your life." I shake my head at Hanna's comment.

"I'm just going to get it over with. She can't be that bad."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Em." Hanna walks away with a hurt expression. 

"Great. Now she's mad at me." I sigh.

"She just doesn't want you to go through what she did." Aria says. "Seriously, don't get too close to her." I nod my head. "I got to go. I have a thing with Hanna." 

"Okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Let me know what happens tonight." Aria gives me a hug before walking in the direction Hanna went.


"This is going to suck." I tell Ali as we are laying down on my bed cuddled up together. She has her head resting on my chest as I play with her hair.

"I know." She exhales deeply and snuggles in closer to me. "I'm going to miss this." 

"Me too." 

"It's going to be hard pretending to like your dad." I frown. I didn't think about her having to do that. 

"I'm sorry, Ali." 

"It's not your fault. I don't want to hurt him either." 


Alison's POV

Emily fell asleep about thirty minutes ago and I have just been laying here, watching her sleep peacefully. I feel bad because I put her in this position. I wonder if she would be fine right now if I would have just kept my feelings to myself. 

Maybe she would have found someone else in school to talk to and she wouldn't have to worry about hurting her father. I wouldn't have to worry about hurting him in the end. 

My phone vibrates beside me so I pick it up to see Wayne pop up across the screen. I click on the message.

I'm almost there. Can't wait to see you:)


I mentally sigh. This is probably going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do. Pretending to like him when I'm falling for his daughter.

"Em." I shake her lightly and she groans. I smile. She's adorable. "Em, your dad is about to be home, you should probably wake up." Emily sits up in bed and stretches.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on our last day to be able to do this." She gives me a small sad smile. "It's been a long day." 

"It's okay. You'll have to make it up to me though." I wink at her causing her to blush. I lean in and press my lips against hers. She quickly responds, moving her lips slowly against mine in a sweet, slow and passionate kiss, savoring every second. She pulls away and lets out a deep breath.

"I'm going to miss that." She presses her lips against mine one last time. 

"Me too." 

A knock on the door gets our attention. We quickly make our way down the stairs before Emily opens the door to her dad. He gives her a big smile to which she returns. She jumps into his arms and hugs him tight.

"It's good to see you dad." 

"You too, Emmy." His eyes look up to see me and he smiles. I smile back at him. Once they pull away he walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace. An embrace that feels wrong. An embrace that feels like nothing. It doesn't compare to Emily hugging me.

 My eyes look at Emily to see her looking down at the ground with a sad look.

I mouth "I'm sorry." whenever she looks up.

She nods her head before leaving me and him alone.

You are all amazing! Thank you once again for reading my book! Is there anything you want to see happen soon?

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