Chapter 11-Follow Me

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Right as Sonic said that, the rocks collapsed freeing them both.

"Ha! I'm free! Fresh air! How long have we been in there?! Weeks?" Sonic asked running outside.

"Only like 30 minutes." Shadow said.

"Well it felt like forever!"

"Okay go away now." Shadow pushing him away.

"What about you Shadz? You came come home too." Sonic said.

"No, I'm okay. I've survived for this long." Shadow said.

"So you've always been a hobo?" Sonic asked.

"Shut up and no. I used to live with Maria up on the Space Colony Ark in space." Shadow explained.

"Wow, you lived in space?"

"Yes, now go home." Shadow said.

"Fine. See ya later Shadz!" Sonic said waving goodbye before he ran off.

From that day forward, everything was okay between them. Unfortunately Vector never found Kilo, but Sonic payed him anyways. Sonic and Shadow never intentionally go to see each other but when they did run into each other, Sonic waved hi and Shadow looked at him, that's Shadow way of saying hi. And that was okay with Sonic. They never fought, but they never talked to each other.

There was one small thing that Sonic found very confusing. Ever since then, all of his dreams... were about him and Shadow. Only them, but occasionally, Kilo. Some were about that day, reliving it, seeing what Shadow went though from only what he thought had happened. Others were, different. Sometimes, it would be about Shadow and Sonic just hanging out, Sonic comforting Shadow, and once... Sonic kissing him. 

He was so confused, he didn't 'like' Shadow in that way and he knew it for sure, but he didn't know what to think of Shadow. He didn't understand the dreams. He didn't understand his thoughts towards him. He didn't understand Shadow. He tried not the think about it too much, but it would still just be in the corner of his mind bugging him to think about it.   

About a month later, Sonic decided to go and visit Shadow. He was hoping that he would be in his cave. On his way there, he heard a rumble, he got scared and hid behind a tree. He looked around and luckily nothing happened. He kept going. He finally reached the cave and there Shadow was, just sitting there.

"Hey Shadz! Doing nothing with your life as usual I see." Sonic said.

Shadow turned around and looked at Sonic. He didn't look amused at all.

"Heh, sorry Shadz. Anyways, I was thinking that we could... fight?" Sonic suggested.

Shadow made a face of confusion.

"What? I thought that's not what you wanted." Shadow said.

"Eggman hasn't attacked in a while. He's now addicted to his new video game and won't stop according to Orbot. And I wanna fight someone, I already beat Knuckles and I'd feel too bad fighting anyone else. I mean unless this is your way of saying you surrender."

Shadow got up and walked towards Sonic.

"We don't have time to be playing around. Follow me." Shadow demanded.

"Uh... okay."

On their way to... wherever they were going, Sonic kept asking Shadow questions but he never answered.

Then Shadow got to a cliff.

"Look out there." Shadow said.

Sonic was hesitant to walk to the edge of the cliff. There was water down there, what if Shadow was panning to push him off?

"Come on slowpoke." Shadow said.

Sonic walked slowly to the edge. What am I supposed to see? Sonic asked.

"Look down." Shadow said.

"I thought that's a thing that we're never supposed to do when we're this high up."

"We're not even that high up Sonic. Just look!" Shadow said starting to get a little annoyed.

Sonic looked over the edge and saw sand, but half of it was black.


"Take a look at the edge of the cliff. Right below you." Shadow said.

Sonic looked down to see he was stepping on the black stuff. 

"So, what is it?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it's going to take over the island, soon. Just 2 days ago it wasn't there. We have to find out what or who's causing it and stop-" "Wait, we?" Sonic interrupted. 

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