Chapter 13-Plan

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The bright sun shined on Sonic's face as he woke up. When he opened his eyes, it took a second to see he was hugging Shadow he was hugging Sonic back. 

Okay, okay Sonic. Calm down. This is fine... this is... awesome! This is so amazing! No! Yes! Oh what am I saying?! Yes! Sonic thought while blushing and smiling.

He looked at Shadow, he thought that he looked cute while he slept. Then he was hugged closer by Shadow. Sonic hugged him tight, then he fell back asleep. 

A couple hours later he got up and just sat around thinking. Then he heard Shadow get up. He looked over at him, and Shadow was looking around. 

"Good morning Shadz." Sonic said. 

"Uhh... I have to go." Shadow said before he ran out of the shack. 

"No! Wait!" Sonic said before running after him.

He eventually caught up to him and stopped in front of them making Shadow fall on Sonic. Shadow quickly got up but before he could run, Sonic grabbed his arm. 

"Shadow stop!" Sonic yelled. 

Shadow did and helped Sonic up. He tried to avoid eye contact though, he kept looking down. 

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay? You're face is a little red." Sonic pointed out. 

"Uh... it's nothing!" Shadow said quickly. 

Before Shadow knew it, Sonic was touching his face to see if it was warm. 

"S-Stop! Don't touch me!" Shadow yelled slapping his hand away.

Sonic stared at Shadow as he stood there. 

"Shadow... what's wrong? Is it... because we slept together last night? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Sonic said.   

Shadow looked up at Sonic. 

"No Sonic! It's not that! It was nice. I mean! Shoot! Ugh! I was saying it's... You know! I mean I liked it but- Shoot! No! Ugh!" Shadow carried on. 

To Sonic's surprise, Shadow fell on his knees crying. 


Sonic bent down and hugged him. 

"Calm down, just say what you wanted to say. And I'm not mad that we slept together. Sigh I enjoyed it too. It felt nice for some reason." Sonic said. 

"Sonic... I don't know what's wrong with me... I don't understand! I-" "Shh. It's okay. I feel the same way. I won't judge you on anything you do or say from here on out." Sonic said stroking Shadow's quills. 

"Hey, we should start looking for Kilo." Sonic suggested. 

"Yeah, but where would we find him?" Shadow asked.

They both stood up properly. 


"Maybe I can help you." Someone said. 

They looked around but there was no one there. 

Out of fear, Sonic took Shadow's arm. 

"I know that voice." Sonic said. 

Sonic was then shot in the back with a dart, then he started to feel drowsy. He fell on his knees.

"Sonic! Hey! What's going on?! Get up!" 

Sonic then knocked out and Kilo was there. 

"Kilo! I'm not letting you harm him!" Shadow yelled. 

Kilo then nodded. 

"W-What?" Shadow asked in confusion.

The Shadow knocked out quickly. 


Sonic woke up in a chair, he was tied to it, again. His eyes widened at the flash backs of what happened last time. 

"No! Kilo no! Please I can't take it again! Let me go!" Sonic cried out.

The door opened and Kilo came inside.

"Look Kilo... please I'll do anything for you... just let me go." Sonic pleaded. 

Kilo bent down so he could be eye to eye with Sonic. 

"I won't hurt you." He said. 

He took off his hood, to reveal a face that Sonic didn't expect. It was a girl not much younger than Sonic. Her fur was red and he had bangs above her eyes that went slanted. The rest of her hair was in a pony tail and her eyes were light blue. 

"I know, not what you expected." She said.

"How old are you?" Sonic asked. 

"12. Sonic, I apologize for everything that I did that day. Let me explain everything. I have a goal, and I needed something to give me power. So I explored this island, and found this stone." 

She pulled out a red stone the size of a chaos emerald, but the was diamond shaped. 

"It's the heart of this island. Every island has a heart, so I took it. It gave me amazing powers. I could manipulate this island to form it however I want. That's why there was an earthquake before I first captured you. It gave me too many powers to count, but it came with a price. It took over me, and I was controlled by the heart. It knew my goal, but it made it so I would do anything to achieve it, even murder." 

"So what's your goal?" Sonic asked. 

Kilo took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Do you know why you get weird feelings around Shadow? Sonic, in the prophecies, you and Shadow fall in love, or the world is destroyed by darkness. I'm not lying. I can show you thousands of books and writings on walls from ancient mobians. I didn't want this world to die, so I was going to take you and Shadow, and somehow make you guys realize that you love each other, but then the darkness took over me. I knew what it was thinking. It was going to use that monster and do... that to Shadow so he would break and become weak. Then you would comfort him and see his good side. Stupid idea. Then I it was going to fight you, you would prove your love for Shadow with that stupid deal for his life. Then I tortured you so Shadow could comfort you. It was all so stupid! I wish I had never taken the stone! All I wanted was to help save the world." Kilo explained. 

Sonic stared at her when she started to cry. 

"After that, I just continued. I was the one who trapped you guys in the cave. That was the only thing I did that helped." 

"Hey, I know. You only mean t good. I'm not mad. I mean you could have just told Shadow and I right there. Without having to knock me out." Sonic said. 

"No. I couldn't. He can't know about it. Only one of you can know about the prophecy until it's fulfilled. You know what, I shouldn't have told you this. I'm erasing your memory of this." Kilo said. 

"N-No! I promise I won;t tell Shadow!" 

"Then you have to promise... that you will tell Shadow how you feel about him before6 days time." She said. 

"I-I... I have to tell him... shoot. F-Fine!" Sonic said. 

In the blink of an eye, Sonic was back at the shack. Shadow was there too, sitting on his hammock. 



Shadow ran to him for a hug. 

Do I even love him? Oh what am I saying? Of course I do. Sonic thought.     

Sonadow Boom-Hero and VillianМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя