OHD: Chapter Twenty Seven

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Dr. Jose Luca Grazi

Everything took a turn for the worst.

It was so bizarre how events just unfolded one after another, like dominoes. In addition to those three pack members that died out of the blue the other day, three more died as well. They were the three warriors who stood guard outside of Kaiden's house. Kendall found them laying in the grass, the same lime green goo oozing out of the crack of their lips as their skin dried out instantly. It wasn't normal, someone had to be killing them.

And it was obvious who.

What was also disturbing was once the medical doctor picked them to put them in bags, I could see the remnant of the eye with the red teardrop as it slowly faded to nothing. I would've told Kaiden about it, but he seemed to be getting sick. He was coughing all over the place and hacking up blood like it was mucus, ew. I knew it had something to do with those disgusting drinks that the bitch made for him to drink.

I've been keeping my eye on her, wondering when to kill her.

It was getting increasingly morbid as each moment passed on. People started to see me as their Luna, but I couldn't help but question why they looked at me often as if they had something they wanted to tell me but couldn't. I had so many questions for them, like how long has this bitch been here? Why has no one ever question how weird and sardonic the ho was? Why no one seems to feel the need to voice their opinion to their Alpha on how his 'best friend' doesn't seem to be his best friend? Why does no one tell him what they think? 

An Alpha listens to his people.

"Gotta be shitting me, mate," The wolf world wasn't as cracked up as everyone made it out to be. I mean, Mikhail seemed like he had some problems of his own, dealing with Nicca and all. "You know what you need to do, Jose," I could hear Nicca on the other end of the call, clicking his teeth rapidly. I had been calling him more frequently because I needed to know that someone else trusted me. Sure he wasn't here to fully assess the situation, but he knew me well enough to know that I had his back.

I just wish Kaiden thought the same.

"He's just been so fricking snappy lately, Nicca," I bemoaned as I gazed off outside of the window of the seat that I was perched on, wondering how it went from a beautiful sunny day, with birds singing and the clouds dancing along, to a dark and gloomy day with no clouds in sight and the sound of harsh rain slamming against the shutters of the whole house. "I hadn't done anything wrong. It's like every time I speak to him, he catches an attitude!" I grumbled as I rubbed my ass, trying to figure out a way to fix all of this. Everything went wrong because of Jasmine Tate.


"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Nicca asked and I rolled my eyes, my nostrils flaring as I hissed in reply. "Yes!" I growled, my cheek pulsating in remembrance of what he did to me when I tried talking to him about what happened to his parents. "Lemme tell ya the story, mate." I snorted in disbelief. "You'll see why I'm pissed." 

23 minutes earlier.

I was on my way to go spend some time with Kaiden, seeing as we hadn't really had much time together. He was off doing his thing as Alpha, spending quality hours with the ho, while Luca and I occupied each other's schedule. It was kind of sad really because I was his mate and every member here knew that, but I was with Luca all the time. 

Such things were questionable.

However, it was gonna change. I was not going to allow Kaiden to make me look like a fool in front of these people, who I was supposed to lead. I did not fly across the country on a whim to be made out as a dumbarse. If that was the case, I was going to leave because I did not deserve to be treated like that. "Luna!" I felt my leg being encased by a small body as the sound of wailing filled my ears, my pants stained. "Huh?" I staggered in reply, looking down to see a familiar person. "Rosemary?" I quietly jutted out, wondering what was wrong. "Luna!" She cried out and I could hear the pain in her voice.

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