OHD: Chapter Four

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Dr. Jose Luca Grazi

Kaiden fixed his predatory gaze on me, licking his lips as he stalked forward with those long legs of his. "No! No! Listen, bitch, no means no!" I began to turn around, aiming to run up my stairs. This was not going to happen again. I REFUSE TO LET HIM PENETRATE ME AGAIN! My heart thudded in my chest as I heard him behind me and I knew he was close. Too close in fact. God, my poor arse was on the line here and I had to make it or break it.

My footsteps thudded against the stairs as I panted heavily, feeling his impending steps behind me. I could hear the low growls emitting from his mouth as I saw the door to my room in sight. Just 5 more stairs and you're home free, Jose. When I reached the last step, I hightailed it to my room, hoping to shut the door on him and lock the door on him but even when Kaiden was walking calmly, he was still faster than me. Even so, I managed to get the upper hand on him, slamming my door shut and locking it faster than Usain Bolt's speed.

"Open the door." He demanded in a gruff tone from the outside of the room and I let out a breath of relief. "No the bloody hell I will not." I stared down at the locked door, thanking whatever god there was that this door was here. "Fine." That was all he said and I walked away, thinking that he would leave me alone for the rest of my life. Then there was a loud crash as the door busted open on its hinges, Kaiden standing there looking unaffected. "Aw, bloody hell!" I cursed loudly, my heart thundering in my chest as Kaiden entered the room, fixating his hungry gaze on me, preparing to stalk over to time.

"Listen mate," I put my hands up in the air, attempting to keep him from entering my personal space. "There are many other men who would be willing to do this with you!" I sputtered, walking backwards until I reached my bed. "I am a grown man and I am older than you therefore you need to respect your elders!" I thrust a finger towards him and he raised an eyebrow like he was uninterested. "You could go find you someone else, you know." I nodded, trying to make him agree with me.

"You're hot and very attractive so you shouldn't have much trouble finding you a suitable partner to shag." I shrugged and I didn't know that those were the trigger words to make him snap. All of sudden, to my dismay, he closed the gap between us with three huge steps, entangling his arms around my waist as he claimed my lips with his. His hands roamed my body, squeezing and rubbing at the free exposed skin that he could grasp, his tongue flooding my mouth as he traced all over it with his cavern. 

God, he was basically coppin' a feel and I was sitting here, letting him!

"Ngh!" I tried to speak and protest against his touches, but his grip on me tightened with each wiggle of my hips. Fucking hell, I wanted to get free but the sparks and bolts of electricity that Kaiden was sending throughout my body, was keeping me rooted to the spot I was in and I was too indulged in bouts of unwanted pleasure to move or even try flinging him off. I don't know what it was but every flick of his tongue against the roof of my mouth sent me closer and closer to the edge and I didn't know why.

"You feel so perfect in my hands," Kaiden whispered huskily as he let my lips go, sucking along the edges of my neck as he fondled my arse cheeks in his hand and my body shivered. "Ye," I stuttered a bit, trying to find a way to escape this. "I'm sure they'd feel the same without you touching them." Kaiden chuckled darkly as he licked up and down my neck, sucking on the same spot he had bit before. "Fucking hell!" I cursed as my body went slightly limp in his arms, exposed to his doings. "You taste so good and I have to have you." He growled in my ear and my cock jumped from the dark sound as he ground his cock against mine, little beads of pleasure permeating my body.

He pushed me down on the bed and with one bloody sharp nail, I was naked as the day I came out me mum's womb. I wasn't shy about my body cuz' I was fine and I was fit in all the right places. "You're driving me bonkers!" I screeched as Kaiden's hot lips latched onto my nipple, sucking and tweaking at the sensitive nub and I fought like hell to get him off. My body was heating up and I felt my cock rising.

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