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Kaiden Levi West

A month and two weeks later

"And this is the beautiful scenery of North Carolina!" I held back a chuckle as Jose beamed like a tourist guide. I shook my head as all of the pack children looked around with amazement in their eyes, grinning and gasping as every single beautiful flower they came across. "It's not that different from San Antonio," I raised a brow as I clicked my tongue, the kids turning and glaring at me simultaneously. "Easy for you to say!" Rosemary pouted. "You lived here for a year!" She grumbled and I shrugged with a smirk, looking around for the two pack buses that we requested upon our arrival.

Jose had flown back earlier with Luca and a couple of the other children and some guards while I had finished up some paperwork. I also had to round up the entire pack and make sure that we got on our plane at the right time. It was a lot of work and it took a lot of time so imagine my relief when I laid my eyes on my beautiful mate, dressed in a pair of light blue jeans with some red and white vans with a white shirt. When I saw him standing there at the port with a smile of his face as he waved erratically to me, there were no words that could describe that feeling that coursed through my body.

"Hey," I whispered breathlessly as I approached him, his scent filling my nostrils and calming my emotions. It was crazy the things that he did to me without even knowing. Just standing in front of him made me so nervous and I shouldn't have been. He was already mine.  "I missed you, my love." The key to my heart looked up at me with his alluring smile as he held his arms open, motioning for me to come into them. "Damn straight, ya did." He chuckled as I leaned down, wrapping my arms around the lithe body that I craved for the time that he was gone. I placed my nose in his hair, sniffing deeply as to burn his smell and touch into existence, into my memory. 

"I bloody missed you too, Kaiden." I could feel my chest staining with what I thought were tears and I smiled softly, rubbing Jose's back. "More than you know," He whispered and Lucius growled in contentment, resting assured in my mind. "Not that it's not cute, cuz it's touching really," I rolled my eyes as I turned to face the annoying voice. "Aren't we supposed to be making our way to our new pack, wherever it may be?" I stared at the face of my Beta, Nevin Delatour, wondering why he chose to spoke. 

"Alright Nevin, have some patience." Jose untangled himself from me and I groaned from the loss of contact as I watched him communicate with my Beta. "The buses have just arrived!" He grinned, pointing at the two blue vehicles that sat on the curb. "Alright, guys!" He turned to face all hundreds of the members, clapping his hands. "We are going to get on the bus in an orderly fashion to make sure that it's quick and easy and that no one gets hurts. Understand?" I watched as Jose took his role in so easily, my cock throbbing in my boxers at the sight of him. Damn, he could order me around all he wanted to.

"Yes!" The pack chimed in response as Jose sent them a charismatic smile, motioning for them to follow him. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. It had been impulsive and sure enough, difficult to move hundreds of people nearly 1600 miles away. I wasn't even too sure if there was a place big enough to accommodate all of us and be in the same vicinity as Jose, but my dear mate made it happen. 

"So I talked to Victoria, the realtor, and she was able to move furniture in as quickly as possible so it's ready to be moved in." Jose murmured to my mother, Kyra, as I watched him, wanting nothing but to sink my erection inside of him. Just watching him take the reins like that made me hot like no other. "We got such a good deal on this property." Jose nodded in agreement along with my father. "Yea, she gave us 20 acres for such a good price and it's beautiful too! It's much similar to the pack house ya had in Texas, only difference is that Kaiden's two-story home is in front of the overall pack house. If any enemies were to come on site, Kaiden would be able to react and eliminate them faster." He explained casually, unaware of my deep and heated gaze as my eyes raked his figure, wondering when he put on the extra plush to his ass and thighs.

On His Demand {manxman}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora