OHD: Chapter Twenty Six

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Dr. Jose Luca Grazi

"Hey, Mikhail," I whispered into the phone, not wanting anyone to hear me. "Do you think that you can do me a favor?" I questioned and he let out a sigh of annoyance mixed with interest. "What is it, Jose?" He replied and I fumbled with my fingers, unsure of how to go about it. "Do you think that you can get me some information on someone?" I said and he got silent, fully understanding what I was asking. "You got it," Mikhail murmured in reply as he shuffled around on his end.

"Who is it?" He said. "I need a name." I shifted from foot to foot, making sure that no one was nearby, not even Kaiden. "Jasmine Tate." Mikhail coughed as he hummed in confusion. "Isn't that Kaiden's best friend?" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Ya, for sure, but there's just something about her, something I don't trust," I confessed. "Kaiden got his head stuffed far up her arse to even see what I mean." I stated and he chuckled softly. "I'll get back to you tomorrow, okay?" I let him go with a series of goodbyes and promises that we would talk about before I slammed my phone on the counter.

"God damn it!" I cursed audibly, wondering what I got myself into. I had no idea what kind of person she was. From the texts that she sent him, I almost thought she was a caring and considerate person, but that might have been a trap that she lured Kaiden deeper into. Everyone and their mother knew how Kaiden despised a challenge. If you told him to do something or to not do something, he'd do the opposite of it. Maybe she knew that he wouldn't have told me what he was hiding, so she used to her advantage.


I hated it because it drove a wedge further, between Kaiden and I, and I was not going to let my efforts of me literally flying across the states go in vain. Not a damn chance. I didn't know what her issue was and it was starting to bear on my ever-lasting nerve. She acted like she was better than me and now that I knew just how far her and Kaiden's relationship ran, I could judge her better.

If I wasn't smart as I liked to think I was, I wouldn't have been able to detect that there was something more to this story than just her wanting to be with Kaiden. There was something more to it.

"Luna!" I nearly leaped ten feet into the air when a girl, no more than 11 years old, appeared by my side with Kenya in tow. "Eh?" I mumbled in reply. Was that supposed to be me? What the hell was that supposed to be? 

Maybe it was one of the leaders of the pack.

Lol, me lead someone, let alone hundreds of people? Yea, it's a no from me bro. Just can't do it. Too many people and there's only one of me. A human.

"What's up? You guys okay?" I questioned as I took in their looks of confliction, wondering why they looked so upset. "We don't like that woman!" The girl stomped her foot on the ground as she pouted angrily and I was at a loss at who she was talking about, so I just sat there with a dumb look on my face. "She means Jasmine," Kenya helped as she stared at me pointedly and I nodded in agreement. "You don't gotta tell me that," I huffed in reply. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

Kaiden hadn't informed me about this whole Luna thing. I just assumed that there was just an Alpha and that was him.

But there's me.

"You have to do something!" I raised a brow in mock speculation. I didn't have to do shit. I couldn't do shit. "Listen, mate," I took the girl's hand in mine as I looked her in the eye. "She's Kaiden best friend and I can't change that. Only person who can do that is Kaiden himself," I sighed heavily. I really didn't have the option to do anything about this even if I wanted to. Kaiden had to realize that there was something off about his wacko friend.

Even if I had to beat some sense into him.

"Jose, you're his mate." Kenya looked at me with pleading eyes and I found myself falling smitten to them. Cazzo, motherfucker. Bloody arsehole. "Can't you talk to him?" She asked and I shrugged. "I don't know, Kenya. Especially after finding out that he and the bitch dated at some point," I let out a breath as Kenya looked away guiltily. "It makes me feel, I don't know, I just feel wrong." Jealous. "A bit uncomfortable." Salty as hell. "Sad even." Hella sad

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