OHD: Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

I felt a bit hurt that he didn't tell me before. That night that he was up talking to her, my suspicions and assumptions were correct. She was once someone important to him, someone he loved. It often made me wonder if he liked me because I was someone he was destined to have.


"I know." That was all I said before I sat back, remembering the events of the night before. I woke up at 3:27 AM and Kaiden's arms tightly wrung around my stomach as I fought like I was in World War 3 to get those arms off of me. As I stood, breathing heavily like a sumo after a wrestling match, I was very unsure as to why in the bloody fuck I was thirsty but my throat was parched and I was going to perish if I didn't get a single droplet of water in my mouth.

I wasn't actually gonna die.

I was tiptoeing down the hall so that I didn't disturb the fellow dogs sleeping so soundly as I made my way down to the kitchen. Kaiden lived by himself, sure, but that didn't mean that people didn't stay over to earn his forgiveness or that the dumb bitch didn't stay in the guest room because she was entitled to. Who gave a damn, really? I wanted a horse to kick her in the face. 

I thought I was still in the throes of sleep because I heard some whispering. At first, I thought it was one of the wolves on duty but I didn't see any up and alert. They were all gone to town, snoring. "Omni impedus..." I heard and I tilted my head, wondering who was speaking Latin at three in the morning. I rounded the corner and saw the guest room door opened a crack. My nosy arse decided to go see what that bitch was doing up, if she had a shrine of Kaiden hidden in the closet. I wouldn't put it past her.

Once I crept slowly up the door, seeing a red and blue light echoing from it, I peered my eyes into it, holding my breath. I held back a gasp once I saw that there was a red and blue, almost purple, luminescent halo coming from the silver bowl that she was stirring something in with her index finger. 'The bloody shizznit?' I mouthed to myself as Jasmine put the bowl up to her lips, whispering some sort of Latin chant into it. It was so freaky, so alarming when the floor beneath her started to shake slightly, making my nerves jumbled.

I was scared and I wanted to scream but by some sort of restraint, I kept my mouth shut as tightly as my hand was on the knob. I didn't want to make a sound, in fear that it would be heard. She had her eyes closed as she whispered darkly into the bowl, the halo of colors seem to get brighter and wider. I was so confused as to what the hell was going on, wondering if I was still asleep.

If she was a wolf, she would have smelled or heard me coming but she stood there, staring into the bowl. I wanted to stay and question her on what was going on, what her evil schemes were, but I didn't want Kaiden to find out and I didn't have all of the truth. So I did what most sensible people would do. I let go of the knob and turned around.

I quickly left.

I found it to be very suspicious because yesterday, three pack members died suddenly and no one could tell why or how. They were supposed to report for duty to guard Kaiden but they couldn't, so they had to send their backups in quickly. I wasn't sure if it was some epidemic that only struck this pack and wolves of status close to the Alpha, or what. All I know was that there was some sort of lime green foam fuzzing up out of their mouth once the pack doctors examined their body. No one had entered their room and no one had left. There was no way to tell if this was accidental or someone had this cruel and malicious intent to kill them.

Why though?

I couldn't answer that.

"I'll go talk to him now, find out what I can," I nodded to Kenya, who watched me get off of the stool with my water in hand. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I grinned down to the red-haired little girl, who pouted. "My name is Rosemary." She beamed up at me and I nodded. "The name's Jose," I ruffled her hair once again before walking off in the direction where I knew Kaiden would be. For some reason, he was always in the room or with Jasmine.

I hated it. The man I loved and devoted my heart and my time to, spent his majorly with the rat arsed twat waffle that he used to fuck on the nightly. It didn't hurt my feelings any less when he basically confessed that they were a thing and they shagged. Everyone and their mother knew that when a man and woman came together, it was all sexual intercourse.

Education, folks. Time to learn.

I shook my head free of those thoughts as I looked out of one of the windows that I was walking past, seeing my little bear playing tag with some other children that were his age. I pushed Luca to go be friends with some other kids, ensuring him that they didn't hate him despite the parents' claims. Cuz' they were arseholes who needed a kick to the face.


I hadn't fully met everyone yet but I saw them in their wolf forms training on the lawn day by day, howling up to the sky as their paws ricocheted off of the hard ground. It was quite cute, really. Little dogs running up and down the hills. Kaiden had yet to assert his Alpha status over the pack and I knew it just had something to do with Jasmine, just wasn't sure what it was. "Yo, mofo'," I threw up the peace sign to the man of the hour as I entered the room, still slightly pickled about what transpired between us when we last met.

I loved him, no doubt about it, strongly even, but he had to be truthful with everyone because, at some point, it always comes back to bite you in the arse.

And it hurt.

"Hey, baby," I admitted that my heart swooned and jumped erratically, but I fought the grin that wanted to split my face in half. I refused to give him that satisfaction but judging by the smirk on his face as he shook his head, looking down, I knew he saw that smile. I clicked my tongue as I grimaced a bit, taking note of what was in his hand, what he seemed to be drinking so intensely.

"What are you drinking?" I raised a brow at the odd-colored liquid in the clear container, wondering what such concoction could be a beautiful shade of light purple. There was no smoothie or drink that could be made out that way unless you somehow put lavender in it. "Oh," He chugged down some more, sighing in satisfaction. "It's some protein thing that Jasmine made for me." I furrowed my brows as I stared, finding the action suspicious. "...has she ever made you anything like that before?" I questioned in a monotonous voice and he paused for a bit, shaking his head in reply. "I don't recall." Kaiden threw it back up to his lips some more and I held my hand out.

"Give it to me." I made grabby motions with my hands as he stared at my hand. "Now." He rolled his eyes before grudgingly handing over the clear container and I walked to the bathroom with all of the intentions of throwing it out in the toilet. I evilly smiled as I watched the liquid travel down the drain, discarding the container. I don't know what that foot-sniffing cunt thought she was trying to do, but I wasn't going to let it happen. "So you guys were a thing, nice to know," I drawled as I snorted in disbelief, Kaiden's face automatically falling as he reached out for me.

"I'm sorry love," He reached for me and I scowled, narrowing my eyes at him. "I should have told you from the start." He weakly said and I rolled my eyes. "I should have never gone home with you that night," I said in all seriousness. "My life changed and took a damn dramatic turn." I grumbled and Kaiden all but smiled softly as he pulled me into his warm grasp and I relished in the feeling, wondering if we could stay like this forever.

"What does Jasmine's wolf look like?" I murmured in a soft voice, rubbing my hand up and down his arm as Kaiden looked over his shoulder and down at me, a look of confusion filling his features. "You want to know?" I nodded in confirmation and he sighed, rubbing his face. I thought he was about to tell me that he couldn't tell me because she didn't want me to know and I was going to deck him in the head with a broom because I told him everything about Nicca and I. "I've never seen it, actually." He said. He pushed his lips up into one of recognition as he truly thought about it and I had a sudden epiphany, shit all coming together into one single piece.


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