"There's a bomb in your house."

3.7K 203 70

"Save the princess."



"We can't."

"I said now, Harry."

"But we never do that thing anymore!"

"Yes, but you're still our agents. You both need to getaway."

"Louis, I know it's you!"

"In 30 seconds. Better quick."

"Are you crazy?!"

"If I were you, I would take your wife out of the house instead of asking useless question."


"-there's a bomb in your house, I'm telling you."


"20 seconds."




- de javu abis HAHAHAHA. karena ini re-post, terserah kalian mau vote/comment lagi

+ nanti di post langsung 2 chap plus yang baru. cuman mau nanya, bagusan pake sudut pandang orang pertama atau ketiga ya? :) mau diedit nih biar gak pusing bacanya huehueheu

Tanpa kalian, aku gak akan mau nulis lagi /plak/ jadi makasih banyaaak! <3

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