Ashley cut me off by biting my shoulder hard.

"No ma'am! You do not bite me!" I growled and she started to bawl. Shit.

"The remote is on the coffee table and you can turn on other movies when this one ends." I ignored headspace pup Ashley as she cried in my arms so I could talk to Matt.

"Okay, I'm here if you need me." He gave me a smile, but didn't look at Ashley so she wouldn't get any worse than she already is.

I carried her up the steps and to my room since I have a feeling I'm not going anywhere. "Why did you bite me?" I asked in a calm, collected tone.

Ashley only responded with more tears.

"Were you trying to get my attention?" I asked just above a whisper as I laid her down under the blankets since I keep my room rather cold.

She slightly nodded her head yes and stuck her arms out to me.

"If I lay beside you are you going to bite me or scratch me?" I asked in a dominant tone which made her slightly whimper, but she shook her head no.

I can't help my dominant tone, especially when I'm around her, my submissive, since I feel the need to protect her, lead her, and take care of her, and if she is acting out like that it makes me a very unhappy camper which weakens my ability to care for her.

"If you scratch and or bite me you are sleeping alone tonight." I warned her as I slid under the blankets as well.

My warning only made her cry harder, so instead of giving her more warnings I let her curl up into my side so she would calm down.

"You need to breathe Ashley so you don't hyperventilate. I'm sorry I snapped at you. It is just very hard for me not to when that is the best way to get you to stop. I only have three ways to discipline you, due to your traumatic past, so it is very hard for me to do much of anything. I hope I explained that well." I sighed as she quivered against my figure.

All I got was a nod.


I asked Matt to watch Ashley since she was still in headspace when I woke up, so I could go to the studio. Apparently, Matt is a very bad influence.

"Why do you reek of alcohol?" I crossed my arms across my chest as I stared down Ashley.

"Matt g-got f-fun juice!" Ashley giggled before taking another swig of whatever she had in her cup.

"What is in your cup? If it isn't water, it's being poured out." I spoke in a more stern tone.

She paused, sucked her lips in like she does when she thinks. "T-then it's w-water!" Ashley hiccuped while laughing.

A giggly drunk. Nice.

"No take m-my drink!" Ashley ran into the kitchen where Matt stood.

"Matt I am going to kill you!" I snapped at him and he laughed before falling over. "Go to your room!" I pointed in the direction of his room when I got in his line of sight.

Matt continued to laugh as he shakily gathered himself to his feet before walking in the direction of his bedroom.

"Ashley, give me your drink." My dominant tone started to emerge.

"Nooooo!" She cried, and started to chug the rest of what was in her cup.

I walked over to her and yanked the cup away from her mouth, so I could pour the contents down the sink.

"Meanie!" Ashley stomped her foot and I gave her a look.

"Go to your room." I spoke calmly, but with authority.

"No!" She yelled before trying to run past me.

I quickly stuck my arm out and pulled her to me. "Do I need to carry you to your room, or are you going to behave?" I looked down at her, but she slightly cowered to my glare before trying to squirm out of my grasp. "Option number one it is." I sighed before lifting her up on my shoulder and walked up the stairs with her.

"Let me g-go butthead!" Ashley hit my back, but her hits were rather weak, due to her being piss drunk.

"Hit me again and see what happens." I warned her, but a closed fist quickly came into contact with my back again.

I rolled her off of my shoulder, but caught her so she wouldn't hit the floor.

"Why won't you cooperate?" I raised a brow as I held her wrists together in front of her.

"Because I w-want more f-fun juice." Ashley whined.

"No more." I growled, but she once again tried to get out of my grasp.

She tried to stomp on my foot which was painless.

Since I have had enough of her defiance, I pinned her against the wall with her hands above her head.

She immediately went silent.

"Who is in control?" I whispered.

"M-me." Ashley hiccuped.

I started to trail kisses down her neck. "Who is in control?" I asked again before nipping her skin slightly.

"M-me." She moaned out.

I held both of her wrists together above her head with one hand, so I could trail the other to her waist which drives her crazy. "Who is in control?"

She only moaned in response.

My teeth tugged on her earlobe before blowing hot air against it as I spoke. "Who is in control?"

Ashley whimpered when I pulled away.

I latched onto one of her sweet spots that was right underneath her ear. "Who is in control Ashley?" I grazed my teeth along her skin.

"Y-you are." She answered as her ragged breathing hit my shoulder.

"Good girl." I praised her before walking her to her room.

"Y-you're just g-gonna leave me a-after that?" Ashley's eyes started to well up.

"You didn't behave, so this is punishment. No touching yourself either. I'll know if you do." I growled before closing the door and locking it.

She rattled the handle before she gave up and hit the door a few times.

I had to take a deep breath so I could fight the urge to go in there and stop her crying before walking back down the steps to have a talk with Matt.

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