Chapter 8: new faces and flavors

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It's been a couple of days sense the Blake incident. Your team questioned why you guys skipped a day of school and you lied to them saying you were cooling down and Blake was helping you. They believed it and went on with there business.

Into present  time you and your team were wondering around Vail sense it was the weekend.

(Y/n): why w-we here?

Ruby: well I need to get more dust ammo for my weapon.

Yang: I want to get a drink.

Weiss: I need to get a sewing kit.

Blake: I want to see if there's any more books that interest me.

(Y/n): oh...ok

You all get to a town square and ruby looks at the group.

Ruby: okay everyone get what they need to get and meet back here in about an hour.

W/B/Y: right!

Then they all run in there own direction so fast at caused you to spin. When you stopped spinning you shook your head and looked around seeing they were all gone you sighed and started wondering around to get used to the area and find something to do. After a bit of walking around you started looking at the sky examining the birds in the area. You then turn the corner on a sidewalk and bump into someone causing them to fall down. When you looked down you saw a girl with two different hair colors. You saw you made her drop something.

She looked at the weird colored puddle forming on the ground then at you, then back at the puddle, then back at you, the puddle again then back to you. When she looked at you this time though she had a grumpy face which to you was very cute.

She picked herself up and dusted herself off then proceeded to grab your hand and lead you somewhere. You sorta figured this was a fair punishment. When you finally stopped you saw she had led you into a fairly cold building with a sweet smell in the air and sever buckets with different colors.

Cashier: Hello what can I get you two love birds?

The girl that was holding your hand pointed to a bucket that was the same color as her hair.

Cashier: okay coming right up.

The cashier got the whole bucket and gave it to her.

Cashier: that'll be twenty len

He said holding out his hand. The girl then turned to you and thankfully your team taught you what len was and gave some to you, mostly Weiss. You handed the cashier the money and was dragged out by the girl.

She sat you down across from her and started eating from the bucket. After a while she held out a spoonful of the "ice cream?" to you. You ate it and soon realized why she liked it so much and that was because it was very sweet. She offered you more but you declined she only shrugged her shoulders and kept eating?

(Y/n): what's y-your name?

She looked at you before pulling out a small note book and wrote down something before passing it to you.


(Y/n): you n-n-no speak

She shook her head and wrote down.

Neo:I'm mute.

(Y/n): oh.

(From now on when neo speaks it'll be her writing it down and showing it to you. I just don't want to constantly write down her actions for when she's speaking.)

Neo:what's your name?

(Y/n): I'm (y/n)

Neo: you have a nice name.

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