Chapter 5: Opposites attract

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(Ok so about the voting thing I kinda said fuck you to it but not completely you'll understand soon enough and sorry for not posting sooner I've just been trying to get ideas for my other stories but enough of that onto this one!)

You were sitting on a fallen tree listing to the sounds of nature around you but memories kept flooding back to you.

(Y/n):(in grimm) how can a world so beautiful be so hurtful.

You sigh

(Y/n): wait did I? How? How did I do that. When did I learn it? Rah now is not the time.

You began meditating again until you heard winds flapping. You looked to your left and saw a bird looking at you,more specifically a raven. You knew this because you once stole a book from one of the white masked people the book was about animals and what they looked like. But you shook your thoughts away as the bird was getting closer to you. But then it hit you (not literally).

(Y/n): tweety?

The bird looked at you and jumped on your leg.

(Y/n): tweety!

You picked the bird up and held it close to your chest. Memories came flooding back as it wrapped it's wings around you or tried to at least.

*flash back*

A semi young (y/n) was in the woods searching. This was only his second time hunting so he was still getting used to it. He decided to take a break by a small pond. During his break he heard violent splashing in the water. Once he looked in her saw a bird struggling to stay afloat. He reached in and pulled the bird out and laid it on dry ground. It was struggling to try and fly but it's wings were to damp. He picked up the bird and made a small fire then set it next to it for it to dry. It seemed to do just that as it opened its wings and faced the fire. As it was doing that (y/n) gathered some berries then went back to the small creature as it was still drying off and held out a hand full of berries to it. It looked at him and the berries as if deciding on if it should trust him to feed it. (Y/n) just calmly waited for it to start eating as it eventually did. Once it finished it was completely dry. (Y/n) got up and began walking away but the bird jumped on his shoulder. This caught (y/n) by surprise as he expected the creature to go its separate way but it is instead latched onto him. He looked at the creature as it looked at him and cawed in his face.

(Y/n): what are you doing?

He felt kinda stupid after asking this seeing as how there's no way the bird could possibly understand him. It just looked at him. (Y/n) sighed in defeat as he just let the creature rest on his shoulder and continued walking.

During his moments of walking around his stomach made a deep growl. (Y/n) just clinched his stomach but could feel the stares of the bird grow. He looked on his shoulder and saw as the bird was looking dead at him. Once it saw that it got his attention it started to do weird things with its wings as if trying to tell him something. This only made (y/n) more confused at what the bird was doing. The bird could be visibly seen getting frustrated. It jumped off of your sholder, and cawed at you then looked words the forest.

(Y/n): (English)

It jumped around after you asked the question making you guess this was this things way of saying yes. You start walking towards it and it flew up into the air bit you continued to follow it on foot. It took some time but it eventually landed on a tree and waited on you. You arrive shortly after seeing that it led you to a deer.(P.S. you don't know it's called a deer but it would get confusing for both to be called creatures and yes I remember what I said about the animal book but you didn't find that until you were older) you quickly kill it with a shot to the head with your bow. You thanked the deer and turned to the bird that was at your feet. It looked at you, you bowed to it as a sign of thanks for leading you to it. You lifted up the deer and motioned for the bird to follow you to which it jumped onto of the deer carcass. That day you returned to your clan you made sure to give a share to the bird that helped you.

Beast Mode (RWBY harem X grimm male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora