Chapter 6: Hormones

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' ' = thinking

Waking up you realise your in Blake's bed. You don't really remember how you got here but nevertheless you didn't want to leave. You kiss Blake on the forehead and see her smile a in her sleep. You go to leave the bed only to be pulled back in.

Blake: no not yet.

You say nothing and lay back next to her embracing her and wait for her to fall back asleep.

You don't remember how you got here with her, all you remember was being on the roof with her then you sorta just backed out. You hear her start to softly snore, it was very cute to you. You looked at her peaceful face making your heart warm up. Deciding to take a daring move, you moved closer to her and gave her a small kiss on the lips. It was a quick but passionate kiss and you enjoyed every second of it you don't know why though. However when you parted from her you felt the negative emotion of jealousy behind you. When you flipped over you saw Weiss, her face was red either out of anger or embarrassment. It didn't matter sense as soon as your looked at her she turned her back to you.

You didn't understand why she was mad.

(Y/n): 'maybe because she wants me to do what I did to Blake.'

You sneaked out of Blake's bed and crept over to Weiss and in one quick motion you flipped her over and began making out with her. She made a quick yelp because you startled her then was mad for half a second then sank into the kiss. She even deepen the kiss by wrapping her arms around you. When you finally parted she had a face of submission and seemed to want to kiss again but you backed off in fear of if someone else wakes up and you have to repeat the process.

With that you get up and headed towards the rain cleaning room, or as humans call it, the shower

*time skip*

I once again you heard the sound of Ruby's whistle blowing then Weiss arguing. You chuckle at there childish nature but know they can easily handle there selves. You dry yourself off and walk out only in your pants to go greet the awoken team.

You step out of the bathroom.

(Y/n): good m-morning

Once they saw you they completely stopped fighting and had full focus on you. Ruby had sparkles in her eyes, Weiss was blushing and had a weird smile on her face, Yang had a blush and was drooling a little bit, and Blake...she had a blush to but was also rubbing her legs together. The one thing they all had in common though was they were thinking of something happy and something else that you that you couldn't understand because you've never experienced it but it was something good.

Even though they were happy you needed to snap them out of there trance reasons being, one you needed to go to class, and two it was slightly making the atmosphere awkward.

You coughed and they all snapped back into reality then looked away from you blushing madly.

And finally Weiss spoke.

Weiss: L-let's get dressed so we can get to class already.

Ruby: Yea.

You simply shrugged and leaned against the wall looking at them waiting for them to get ready.

However they didn't move they stared looking at you again but they weren't having those thoughts, they seemed to be embarrassed.

Ruby: umm (y/n) we need to get ready.

This confused you a little.

(Y/n): okay...then g-get....ready.

Ruby: b-but we...

She was stopped as yang started taking off her pajamas and started changing while smirking and looking at you as she was doing so.

You kept your eyes on yang, you don't know why but what she was doing was making you feel weird nothing bad but something you haven't felt before.

The you could feel the other girls getting mad at yang and they soon also began changing rather slowly but for some reason there was a feeling of challenge in the room.

Weiss: 'no way an I losing him to yang!'

Ruby: 'oh please stop looking at her so much and look at me.'

Blake: 'I'm having his first and he's having mine yang not you! Oum why does he make me think this way?'

Yang: 'ha new challengers approach, to bad I'll win though'

The more you watched the girls the stronger the feeling became. The feeling was that you want jump on them and do something, what it is though you have no idea. But something that made it worse was when Blake removed the bottom part of her pajamas some sort of powerful hormone hit you, due to your enhanced smell your sure your the only one that could smell it. When it hit you a certain part of your body started growing and hardening. Thankfully the team was to busy looking there best for you for them to notice it.

Finally you grabbed the rest of your clothes and walked out not want to do something drastic.

By the time you were out you finally finished getting dressed and started heading to your class, maybe that'll help your body calm down and stop these feelings.

Meanwhile as you were gone the team started arguing.

Weiss: Yang what was that!?

Yang: what was what?

She said acting clueless.

Weiss: you were using your body to seduce (y/n)!

Blake: yeah.

Yang: oh like you guys didn't start doing the same.

Weiss: that was to make sure he didn't fall for you!

Weiss quickly covered her mouth realising what she said. Yang smirked.

Yang: oh is the ice queen jealous?

Weiss by now was blushing like crazy from embarrassment.

Weiss: S-shut up!

Yang: and Ruby I say what you were doing.

Ruby: um t-that was um...

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

She said and then hugged her sister.

Ruby: uhh wha?

Yang: don't worry I'll help you with flirting that way (y/n) can be ours.

Weiss/Blake: hey!

Yang: hey I don't understand why were fighting we all agreed to share him anyway.

Weiss: yeah but your trying to be his favorite!

Yang: well someone has to be.

Yang said smirking.

And with that another fight broke out. However while Ruby,Weiss,and Yang were fighting Blake sneaked away to the bathroom and to change her soaked panties.

And for (y/n) he calmly sat in the empty classroom and began to break down what his body did and why but soon enough he'll learn.

(Authors note: hey guys awesome pro here and I'm so sorry I haven't been publishing on this story lately honestly though it is my fault as I easily get sidetracked but Yea it's finally here now I'll try to make the next part quicker. Speaking of the next part I plan on making a lemon with Blake but I want you guys to decide if I should make it.

So lemon or no lemon

The vote is yours but in the mean time this is THE AWESOME PYRO signing off see us later!)

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