haha im crying

43 11 17

Finals are Friday, Monday, and Tuesday.

But that's not what I'm stressed about, haha nope!

So -scatteredstardust and I were doing our Biology review, which is 20 pages long, tonight and we come across a question with unfamiliar material.

whatever, right?

Just one question, it's not a big deal.

Except it is.

Because it's 25+ questions that have this material, that was never taught.

He's never brought up ANY of it, and I'm gonna fail my final exam because of this :))))))

Thanks:) for:) putting:) this:) crap:) on:) the:) final:) without:) doing:) your:) job:) first;)

so yeah, that's my current situation, see you guys when I'm having another breakdown right before test ;)

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