so much LOVE

26 12 11

I feel really unappreciated sometimes

correction, most of the time

but lately

that is it the case

Chess told me that camping would be better if I were there, and I FELT SO LOVEDDDD ahhhhh

My cousin lets me stay at her house ANYTIME I want to, even if she's not there, or it's not convenient for her, she makes me feel like I have a home there. and her husband LOVES me, every time he sees me, he screams my name and runs to hug me. he doesn't even speak english and  he's one of my favorite people ever

my other cousin also told me that she'd come and get me whenever, and this is also the cousin that is getting me a job at her work. much love ❤️ and her boyfriend constantly teases me, and considers me, and asks me things like "what's so funny? are you texting your boyyyyfriend?". he knows I'm single, but he knows it makes me laugh.

and my OTHER cousin knows I love thrift shopping, and texted me out of the blue and said "if you're ever in the mood to go thrift shopping, I'll come and get you and take you to the ones by my house, they're huge" and she lives like an hour away from me. and I told her that I love thrifting like months ago. she REMEMBERED, and wants me to come spend time with her and her baby.

the guy, you know. the guy has been texting me a lot, and when he doesn't, he's so sweet about apologizing. (yet I've STILL never talked to him in person. UGH kms, idk if it's going anywhere, or if I want it to, hhhh)

one more.

my mother just texted me, "I'm sure you haven't eaten in hours, I'm bringing pizza home"


positivity [s/mb i //  completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang