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Disney World was absolutely amazing!

It was so much more than I expected!

I'll start actually going into detail now before I just say that over and over again XD

First off, the drive. The drive there wasn't bad, though the bus is sUPER cramped. You get like half a foot of leg room?? Sleeping was the worst though, I barely slept at all ok the bus with all the stops, and getting off. Sigh.

Let's get into the parks!! I won't describe them all because I tend to ramble, but I'll tell about my two favorites!

One of my favorites were Epcot!! There are little "countries" that you can visit, that have a bunch of gist shops an such! They had a ton of them, and they were great! I expected to LOVE France, but it was kind of a let down? They only had a few gift shops, and a couple pastries shops. And (here comes a rant) tHERE WAS A STORE THAT SAID "LIBRARY" AND EVEN SAID "LIVRES" WHICH IS FRENCH FOR BOOKS. SO WE WENT IN AND WE SEE PERFUME.  I'm still really confused about this btw?? Buutttt, my favorite of the countries has to be England! They had a band playing amazing music from bands that came from England. Like The Beatles and such. It was the best! They had a ton of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland stuff too! Which are some of my favorite Disney movies! It was overall great!!

My ultimate favorite park, though, was the MAGIC KINGDOM!!! The day we went to The Magic Kingdom, it finally set in that we were in Disney! Especially during the fireworks. Though we didn't get a great view. STORY TIME :)

chess and I separated from our group because they were slow and annoying, which sounds rude now, but just listen for a bit. Through all the parks, we were rushing because one of the people in our group (the chaperone was her dad) got to do whatever she wanted and even booked our fast passes without saying anything to us. (More things like that happened, but I'll get into the story now) We told the group that we needed to shop for Chess's brother, and that we wanted to just spend some time together. They seemed kinda annoyed with us, but allowed it as long as we checked in every hour. It was annoying but we agreed, and started shopping. Time skip to later that evening. Chess's phone has already died, and mine was getting kinda low but I thought I'd be good. Plot twist,five min later it was at 1%. I was panic texting our chaperone, and as my phone was dying I sent a message telling him our location. We sat there, watched the fireworks, then awhile later, they came to get us.

The next morning Chess pointed out that like 10 mi the after he read my text, he said he'd be there in 5 minuets.

It took them almost an hour though?? So, that was amazing :))))

Topic change! With all parks combined, I bought 2 cups, Minnie ears (3rd picture below), candy, pins, a backpack from the Aerosmith roller coaster, a guitar pic ((also from Aerosmith)), annnndddd A BIG STICH STUFFED ANIMAL!!! (4th pic) So that was sweet.

I didn't go on a whole ton of rides, but I went on Everest (mini story time) and my "friend"
left out a bunch of details like it GOING BACKWARDS. I was mad for awhile but I also loved it and went on again. I went on "it's a small world" which was adorable! (But I'll admit, the one that was winking and crap kinda creeped me out) The last one I'll talk about is Aerosmith though. It was iNSANE. It took off at like 90 mph, and went down a really steep hill, and upside down, and I was pretty shaken up afterwards, but i loved that too. So those were pretty cool.

Anywaysss, picture time!!!!

Anywaysss, picture time!!!!

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