I really appreciate you <3

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I appreciate all of you.

I would have left Wattpad a long time ago if it weren't for the amazing friends I've met here :)

I'm going to be mentioning a few of them now XD

[I know I did this around Christmas but shhhh]

Chessboard [-scatteredstardust ] ~ You're easily my best friend, in real life, and online. Without you, I'd still be friends with a bunch of people who I didn't want to be with. You've helped me through so much, and I honestly don't know what I would do if you weren't my friend. I can't wait until we travel the world together soon. Love you Chessie!
Minto (-mintchocolatte )~ Minty,
you're one of my best friends that I've met on Wattpad. You're one of the nicest people I've met in my life! When we're talking, it makes me so happy, because our conversations just flow. There's no awkwardness, we've gotten along really well since we met, and I hope we're friends for years to come! Love you Minto!
Raven(Starlyght_Dreamer )~ We haven't been talking for too long, but quite a bit recently. We've bonded well since we began talking, and it makes me so happy to have a friend like you! We share a love of poetry, and it's great to have someone to talk to about the amazing creation that is poetry with!! I can't wait to get closer to you! Love you Raven!
Pepper (sunshinedpepper )~ We haven't messaged, but we've talked in comment chains and such, and it's been great getting to know you! Your s/mb is really interesting to read, and we've gotten along really well since we've met. I can't wait to get to know you even better, and become closer !!

Multiple people (chernabog_ , FlightOfStars ,piquant_ ,Catscattery , WonderfulNutMeg101 , AMaskedCormorant , KittenNya- , TheUnicornAlpaca Spread_ur_winggss , Dapplespot , KLMGTJ , lucias- , thefinestfrenzies , DogSoul , Desirable_Star , and hollyleaf206 ) ~I know we've only messaged a few times, but I really appreciate you. You are such a nice person, and I can't wait to get closer to you!

Multiple people 2 (Muffin324 , bluefeladela , mina522 , nightingale1310 ,
its-a-wild-leelee , cottontail- , Moonawa ) ~ I'm sorry, this seems really weird Because for most of you, I've never talked to you, or I've vote spammed your s/mb today/yesterday. Well, hi, you're all friends with Chess (besides one of you), who is my best friend. You all seem so nice and I hope I get closer to all of you. (Sorry if that sounded weird)

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