
18 7 8

I was tagged by ThatRandomHufflepuff !

Crush: I don't know if I have one or not?
Middle name: I'd rather not say.
Height: I honestly don't know...
Eye color: Light Brown :)
Last time I cried: Last night (not because of sadness, my favorite book character died ;-;)
Biggest Fear: Spiders ;-;
Last song I listened to: Guns and Ships from Hamilton
Last Person I Texted: Minty!( -mintchocolatte )
Favorite App: Wattpad!

I'm just going to tag anyone who wants to do it :)

(I just noticed this in my drafts, and it's from January 3rd). :/

positivity [s/mb i //  completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें