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"So they weren't true?" Yuna pried, poking you incessantly, her words ringing in your ears for the umpteenth time because yes, you had already answered her, but she insisted that your words of confirmation weren't true, as if the cogs would only turn in her head if you were to say 'no' a million times over. But you still shake your head nevertheless,

"No, they weren't. They were just rumors."

She nods to herself, "So Yoongi doesn't have a girlfriend.. should've known. He'd never date just any girl!" She only continues when you shoot her a look of utter betrayal, "Wait, scratch that, I meant that- he'd totally, totally date you!"

You lightly slap her arm. "I wish."

She only pouts at the negativity behind your response. "Anyway, are you going to that party they're setting up?"

"Who's they?"

She double takes, head whipping in your direction as if you had just said the most idiotic words she'd ever heard. "Girl- the only group of people, namely guys, that would ever invite this many people to a single party, obviously!"

You only furrow your brows, uttering an exasperated sigh, sprawling your arms on the table before laying your head on its surface. "Why can't I just run to a far away land with my one and only love, like in all the fairy tales?"

"Because this is real life, dummy." She sighs, "And will you stop talking about him for once in your life, freaking marry him, why don't you!"

'Him' by now, with you and Yuna, was the equivalent to 'he who must not be named', at least in public. Of course even if that fact wasn't official, it was easy to realize she was mentioning the male with the unruly dark hair, pale skin and rosy cheeks. The mere mention of him already had you blushing unintentionally; and it'll probably expose you at some point, you have to stop doing that, dammit.

"I would if I could, obviously." You shoot her a deadpanned look, "But he doesn't even know of my existence. It's like we're... separated by an entire ocean or something."

"Whatever, I'm almost certain you two will die together."

"You could have just said that we'd 'love each other forever' instead, or something."

"Realistically, there is no forever and we're all dying at some point anyway, so." She shrugs at her own words, and you merely snort. She continues, "Serious talk though, are you going or what?"

"Going where?"

She face palms, "The party."

"Oh! No." She sinks in her chair at your predictable words. She's tried before (and succeeded) in dragging you to a party with the very same hosts, bribing you with the fact that your crush would be there and you'd have the chance to stare at his gorgeous face- a quote directly from Yuna herself. She helped you cake your face with makeup, somehow convince you not to go with your usual comfy clothes, and do your hair. Yoongi barely showed up, and when he did all he did was drink, so it was all for nothing. Oh yeah, you also embarrassed yourself on the dance floor, so that's a thing.

"C'mon! It was fun last time, wasn't it-?"

"Don't even start." She pouts, propping both her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her palms as you watch the chubby cheeks she managed to pull off occupy most of her features in her attempt to look cute. Long story short, it wasn't working.

"No, no, no, no-"

"-Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

—Is what you thought.

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