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While there were plenty of ups and downs (mostly downs, if you'd have to guess) school wasn't too bad, or so you'd like to reassure yourself. Assignments, projects, tests, heavy bags filled to the brim with books that have a nonsensical amount of pages, and last minute studying was hell in and of itself, but surprisingly, exams week passed by in a blur. Every day you sat next to the considerably bulky shadow of Park Jimin, distractedly taking notes and sneaking in snacks underneath your desk when no one was watching.

But in other classes such as art, it's different.

"Stop stalking." The male states, cockily crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back in his seat, not even bothering to look at you as he continued, "People can see it from miles away."

"Shut up, Taehyung." You huff, placing your phone back in your pocket after having been caught scrolling through pictures of idols, "And it's not stalking, I like to call it observing. Or better yet, admiring." Yoongi didn't have social media, anyway, so no harm done, right?

"I'm right here, though." He gestures at himself, wiggling his brows as you mockingly clutch your chest where your heart is located, refusing to show any more of a reaction as you then lazily pick up a paintbrush,

"Yeah, no."

You watch from your peripheral vision as the male suddenly leans in, snapping his fingers in front of you to call your attention before clasping his hands together, "Ignoring your rather rude remark, let me ask you something." You turn towards him lethargically, the male promptly ignoring your obvious lack of enthusiasm, "What do you think of Jimin-hyung?"

You blink, not having expected such a random question that involved such a random person, "Jimin?"


You form a mental image of the mentioned male, not quite sure what to think as you hadn't had many encounters with him. Nor have you had a full, decent conversation with him. But he was cute. You could give him that.

"He's.." You pause, "Well, he's cute-"

"Got it." He presses a button on his phone shortly after (in what you briefly noticed was being used as a voice recorder) before sprinting out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher's yells for him to return. You blink at the seat the male had been in mere seconds ago before turning towards your still blank canvas, replaying the odd conversation to yourself. Maybe ignoring the man-child's usual antics was a good idea.


You were unconsciously flipping through your book's pages, mentally counting down the remaining minutes until your social studies class would come to an end, stopping only to doodle random shapes onto the paper until the teacher's voice caught your attention, snapping you out of your reverie, "Alright, I'll be giving out an assignment, everyone quiet down."

You blink, not having paid attention to your surroundings or what could have possibly been happening, even as you hear someone awkwardly clear their voice beside you. Upon receiving no answer nor a reaction, Jimin huffs, coughing louder to try to get your attention. Still no answer. He gawks inwardly. Freaking-

He inhales deeply before hacking loudly into his fist, unintentionally earning more attention than needed as he inwardly curses, the teacher turning around and- "Jimin-ssi, would you like to be excused to go to the restroom?"

His cheeks flush an embarrassing shade of vermilion, "N-no, thank you." His mind screamed for him to be less respectful like the nature others expected him to have, but alas, both the manners that were taught by his parents and his nine long years of being class president throughout his elementary to middle school years told him otherwise.

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