Part 32

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'I was sure I'd find you in Wakanda.' I say, sitting beside him on the stairs, 'This is where it happened?'
'The bomb exploded here, I was too far away to cover him and he got hit full force. He died in that building up there.' He says.
'I still can't believe it was Bucky.' I say.
'It wasn't. It was Hydra controlling Bucky.' He says quickly.
'I know. I know, it's just strange.'
'So you are the Black Panther now?' He asks, turning to me and smiling.
'And the Queen of Wakanda.' I reply, 'It was a weight filling in for you. People are still mourning.'
'I am proud of you, of who you have become.' He says, taking my hand and holding it tight. 'I'm sure father would be proud too.'
'I told you we can still win. We can return and fight Thanks and win. You can return, you can take your thrown back.'
'You do not like being Queen?'
'I do not like being without you, brother. A year is long enough. Now, brother, we have sat on these steps for long enough. You know how to leave, so let's fight, your kingdom is awaiting.'
'I agree.' He says, 'Follow me.'
He takes me by my arm and walks towards the building. We climb the steps till we stand in the conference room where our father died.
'Where do we go?' I ask him.
'Do you trust me?' He asks.
'No.' I say, smiling.
'Fall.' He says, throwing his weight against the window and smashing through it to the ground. I don't look at where he might have landed, I instantly follow him through.
I never hit the ground. I jolt upright and look around manically. I am in the avengers compound.
'Brother?' I shout, ignoring the crowd of people who turn to stare at me, 'brother?'
A wisp of ash forms to my left and my brother is formed, kneeling on the ground. I fall to my knees beside him and cry hysterically.
'You're here, you're here, you're home.' I say over and over.
'I am here, Shuri.' He says, smiling and hugging me, 'and I will not leave again.'

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