Part 22

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'So you guys, effectively, are going to be mentally dead on this side, but alive on the other side. If you don't return then you'll still be alive on this side, just in a coma forever. But that won't happen.' Carol says, talking quickly and quietly.
'I'll have to put you in, one by one, and make sure you reach the person you're trying to reach. Once you're there there's nothing I can do, you need to sort out the situation yourself and find the way out. It could be anything as simple as opening a door, or as complex as fighting Thanos all over again. You've got to find your way to get back.'
Pepper stands behind me, holding Peter. She places her hand on my shoulder and I hold onto it. 'I'll go first.' I say, her hand tightens.
'Tony...' she says and I turn to her.
'I'm coming back. I'm coming back for both of you.' I kiss her lightly on the forehead and rub Peter on his head.
'Okay.' She says, 'okay.'
'You're going to want to lie down,' Carol says, walking towards me. I lie on the sofa and close my eyes. 'You've got to think of the person you're going in for and focus on them. This may hurt but not for long.'
I fall forwards through the air and I forget everything, I feel as though I'm being ripped in hundreds of different directions. I go through thousands of different buildings, different places, all a pale white colour. Then I remember, Peter. Focus on Peter.
A room comes into focus, big and industrial. I land on all fours and start coughing manically, as though I've been holding my breathe for an hour.
'Mr.Stark?' A voice breaks through, quiet and doubtful. I look up and see Peter, no older than the last day I saw him. I climb back up to my feet and pull him into a hug.
He seems confused at first, but accepts it. I don't let go for a long time. Whether this is real or just my mind, I thought I'd never see him again.
'I've missed you kid.' I say, finally letting go.
'It's only been a couple days, I've been fine.' He says, laughing awkwardly.
'A couple days? Pete, it's been over a year.' I say.
'But I only got around...I...I don't remember.' He says, losing his confidence.
'Well.' I say, standing beside him and smiling, 'I'm here to take you home.'

After Infinity Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن