My hands started sweating at the realization of how fucked up this was gonna be.

Pushing the garments aside I moved on to the two bags. One of them had black stiletto pumps and the other one had an actual black trench coat.

So wait...

He was expecting me to walk out of here in prostitute attire under this trench coat?

How cliché


I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a few deep breaths

Two knocks later

"You using my name as your Safe word now, or what?" Lucifer's head popped in

"Seriously? A corset?"

"Trust me when I mean that's the most cover up you're allowed to have. The are girls that will show up in nothing but a thong" he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Why not let me blend in like the other girls then?" I mean, fair point, but if this was a fair cause, why try to attract unwanted attention?

"Because last time I fucking checked you weren't a prostitute, Emma" he said in all seriousness. Did someone pee in his bitch flakes this morning?

"Okay fine, jeez" I mumbled.

"Its bad enough that you're so okay going in this wolves' den, but now complain I don't let you go in dressed like an actual prostitute. This is rich" he said and turned around and walked out

"Hey! What the fuck is your problem!" I followed him, tightening the robe around me.

"Oh, nothing Emma. Everything is just great" he said, practically ripping the door of the fridge open to pull a beer out. Monte didn't come to the hotel last night, so we were alone.

"Seriously, whats your problem? I'm trying to help here, but it seems like everything I fucking do is wrong. So what is it?" I asked, my eyes on his. His beer made a loud 'bam!' against the counter when he slammed it against it.

"I am worried you're not gonna come out of this alive!"


We just stood there, staring at each other. Was he that worried? His communication skills were real fucked up if his way of showing he cared was to instantly get pissed towards that person. But this also meant that he was concerned about me. Emma.

It sounded silly, but after everything I still had my doubts.

"I promise I will do everything in my power to come out in one piece" I said with a tiny smile. Lucifer's stance relaxed a bit, his shoulders flexing a bit.

"Well gee thanks for the vote of confidence in this mission" he mumbled, and I walked his way quickly.

He was surprised when I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him, pressing my face against his chest

For one moment he didn't move, his arms kinda in the air, not knowing what to do. But then he relaxed even more, and he wrapped his arms around me, pressing me against his body.

I had a feeling he didn't want to let me go.

And if so, then we were in the same page.

"When this is over, we're going on vacation" he said with a quick chuckle. I smiled against his chest and nodded, not wanting to break the embrace.

The front door opened and when I turned my head Monte's face popped in

"Well, I guess you guy's night was as good as mine, aye mate?" he said with a forced Australian accent.

Lucifer Himself (18+)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now