Fugitives From Your Sins

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My ears were ringing, my eyes were shut as my shook in pain. I heard the yelling in the background and the bullets flying by.

"Stand up!"

I gasped when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me up forcefully. I could barely catch my breath when my eyes met Lucifer's. He looked wild, wide eyes looking around, a gun pointing.

"You're gonna pay for this!" Someone yelled and Lucifer shot hit gun as he dragged me somewhere. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep from screaming.

"Stand up!" Lucifer shouted again and I finally found the strength to push myself up to my feet, trying not to scream. My head felt so heavy and my body so weak.

I didn't wanna look down. I knew it was bad.

"Breathe" Lucifer said in my ear and If I had a knife in my hand, I would've stabbed him in the eye.

More shots were fired, and Lucifer ducked with me, rushing us out of the room.

"Through the back!" I heard Monte yell as his gun was fired. I heard more screaming, or maybe it was my own, and Lucifer cussed under his breath, his body curving over me as bullets went through doors and walls. I saw two guys on the floor, but I was too dizzy to care about the dead bodies.

"Put pressure on it" Lucifer instructed just as my knees buckled but his arms went stiff to keep me upright, making me rush out of the room as the bullets flew back and forth.

"Get in there, NOW!" Lucifer shouted at his men, instructing them to rush inside the studio with their guns. I turned my head, trying to find Monte.

My brain couldn't put a coherent thought together before another wave of pain washed over me.

Blood was trickling down my fingertips quickly and I felt myself starting to freak out. Lucifer sensed that but murmured in my ear to breathe through the pain.

I'll make you breathe through the pain when I burn your balls on the grill for this.

Lucifer kicked open the door that lead to the deck and through slips and tumbles, we were finally out of the house and I was able to take a clean deep breath as I heard the loud bangs of shooting coming from the inside.

"Speed it up, if you wanna live" Lucifer grunted as he practically dragged me across the lawn towards the side of the house. A very bad word was about to come out of my mouth when glass exploded, making me cry out in surprise, and Lucifer ducked us quickly. I hissed in pain and Lucifer raised his gun and shot it towards the house while he pulled me towards an old black Jeep.

"Get in and turn the engine on!" he shouted as I rushed to open the door with my bloody hands and climb in with the last of my energy as Lucifer stood up and took a stance to start shooting his gun fearlessly. I groaned, stretching my body to turn he engine on. When the car roared i let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, and laid down quickly, trying to stay away from the window, pressing my good hand to my shoulder as blood seeped through my fingers. I decided to take a peek at myself. So much blood, I only saw red and then a small hole near my shoulder area and my hand was numb at my side.

Bile rose, and I tried to take a deep breath, looking away quickly.

Lucifer suddenly jumped inside the Jeep, and tore out of the lawn, the tires screeching on the street as a shower of bullets followed us.

"Get your head down" he said calmly, his eyes on the road, hand still holding the gun. I ignored him as I was concentrated in not screaming in pain. When I didn't respond he glanced at me quietly. I had tears streaming down my temples, but I refused to scream.

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