Beast among Beasts

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Long chapter ahead. Enjoy!

Brute. He was a complete brute.

No wonder he didn't have a woman.

After he said I would be sleeping in his room, he decided that the most practical thing would be to grab me by the arm and drag me back to the room from earlier. He even included a push on the bed to make it seem more serious. One second, he was concerned about my wellbeing, the next he was being a dickhead.


"Can you not?" I mumbled, trying to sit up as I watched him go to the bathroom. He glared at me but didn't respond.

"You have to stay here" he said after minutes of silence.

"Why?" I asked innocently. Lucifer dropped something.

"Because your room is currently soaked in blood" he said, and my throat closed up. The way he talked about it, as if it was so normal for him to kill people.

It most likely was.

The thought made me shiver.

I have never killed anybody.

"Is he coming for me?" I finally asked. Lucifer walked back inside the room, holding a towel.

"Stop asking questions" he said, and I forgot how to breathe for one moment. It was his gaze, the way he would look at me as if he knew me, as if he was comfortable showing the darkness within him through those eyes of his that haunted me at night.

Lucifer had stopped walking, just stood there, his eyes on me as if he was trying to figure me out. As scary as he was, I didn't feel in danger. It was crazy to think that, and it was probably something I would never say out loud, but the fact that he was keeping me here against my will should be an instant hate reason. But why? Couldn't I hate him?

At least, why couldn't I think of him as someone that had destroyed my life, and that would potentially lead to my death if that's what waited for me at the end of this deal?

"Have I met you before?" I randomly asked, and Lucifer frowned, his hands closing in fists around the towel.

"No. We've never met" he said, and I narrowed my eyes. And I was supposed to believe that?

"So why do you have a picture of me?" I asked, and he dropped the towel.

"Stop fucking asking questions! That picture was given to me to track you down. I don't know where the fucking picture came from, it was just given to me, so I could go get you. That is all" he said enraged. I looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"It was just a question, calm down" I mumbled, trying to distract myself by combing my hair with my fingers. Lucifer narrowed his eyes but started rummaging through the drawers. In a minute he was back, bringing black comb with him, which he passed to me. I looked at him with new eyes.


"Are you gonna grab it or what?" he snapped and my small smile disappeared into an unimpressed expression

Dick head.

I snatched the comb from his hand and used it to untangle my still-wet hair, deciding to shut up and ignore the fact he was here in the same room. It was so damn late my eyes were dropping faster than hot potatoes but I refused to go to sleep in his bed. He started by taking his shirt off before going to the bathroom one more time.

But nothing prepared me for what happened next.

He walked out, and suddenly he was unbuttoning his jeans

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