I entered the bathroom finally after minutes passed.

I brushed and bathed.

As I changed into the clothes I had picked out, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Almost done," I called, knowing fully well that it was either Frank or Jess.

I quickly zipped up my jeans and opened the door to find Jess looking worse than someone on their bad-hair-day.

She had cleaned off her make-up and was now wearing a different kind of cloth.

She scratched her eyes as she took in my information. Her face squeezed then she asked, "Why the fuck are you all dressed by this time?"

Now, it was my turn for my face to squeeze. "It's almost 7. Classes start by 8. I need to catch the bus."

Her expression then changed. "What school is that?"

Really? For heaven's sake.

"BHS," I said then immediately added. "Your school."

Her eyes widened. "I knew I've seen your face somewhere before. I wasn't quite sure."

I sighed with a roll of my eyes. "No one ever is." Then I thought to ask as I stepped out of the doorway. "Hey, aren't you going to school?"

She shook her head. "I didn't plan for today. I usually don't miss classes." Then she stepped into the bathroom and locked the door.

Dennis stepped out of his room and looked me over.

He smiled then commented, "Well, that was quick."

I smiled and shrugged. "I can't afford to go late for class."

He raised one of his eyebrows then nodded. "I see that."

I kept my hands in my back pocket then let out a breath as I raised my heel off the ground as a nervous subconscious act. "So..."

"I'll drop you off." He said a little bit too quickly. Then he spoke at a normal rate. "Umm... Frank isn't planning on going out today so he said I could have his car. If he needs to go anywhere, my uncle's car is available."

I nodded as he spoke then decided to ask. "Where's your uncle, by the way?"

He shrugged. "He's always travelling here and there. He's a freelancer for the cooperate firms company."

"Oh," I said with my eyes widening as I nodded. "That's pretty... huge."

He nodded then checked the time on his watch. "You best go get your stuff now. The earlier, the better."

I nodded then went down the stairs.

I didn't see any sign of Frank in the living room as I passed by.

I entered the room which I stayed in and made sure I left nothing behind - except Dennis' jacket.

I folded that neatly at the end of the bed which I had laid.

I came out and met Frank carrying a tray of food. Sandwich, to be precise.

He looked at me then turned to the direction of Dennis' feet tapping on the stairs as he came down.

"Off so soon?" Frank asked, a little bit bummed. "I already made breakfast."

And... His definition of a breakfast?

"Bianca needs to get to school on time," Dennis said as he finally came down and walked to where we stood.

"Dude, I thought you said you weren't going to school. What happened to 'I don't fucking ever want to see my dad'? " Frank asked.

"I'm not going. I just want to drop her off." He said.

Frank smiled at what he said. "Oh, I see." Then he looked at me in a way that made me get flushed before turning back to Dennis. "Anyway, my food can't go to waste. Take some before going." He brought the tray to my face first.

I smiled sweetly at him before taking one.

He then gave it to Dennis who took three without even caring.

"Hey!" Frank complained.

Dennis rolled his eyes as he took a bite out of one. "There's plenty to go round." Then he turned to me. "Sure you don't want some more?"

I shook my head and smiled.

He smiled, too. "Frank's sandwiches are always to kill for. You may never get a chance like this again." He tempted me.

"In that case, maybe I'll just have one more." My smile was wide as I picked another.

"Stop being so modest. You'll make me not want to like you," Frank said. "Take as much as you crave. No one gave you dinner last night."

I laughed at what he said. "I'm sorry about my modesty. Can I get a lunch bag for these?" I referred to the sandwiches.

"It's in the top drawer. Let Dennis show it to you." He said

Dennis escorted me to the kitchen and brought out the plastic lunch bags for him and I.

We immediately left with Frank's car.

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