Chapter Thirteen

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Jasper's POV

Ambrose and I have been planning for about a month now for the attack. We have involved a few more packs that are rival packs of Lunar Moon. In total, we have five packs that joined to war against Addington. Honestly, I can't believe that I even had the balls to concoct a plan like this. But without the help of Ambrose and others, I would be lost on where to start.

First, while I was at the pack, I took down sketches of the pack-grounds. Therefore, we have a detailed map of the grounds. We need to know each and every route available for access. I know that Addington is going to have two to three of his men on each boundary corner.

Secondly, I got information on their training from one of the rogues that lived in the house with me. Addington has trained all of his life. He practiced ancient ritual dances and techniques that makes him move swiftly. His followers learned the same practices, so we will need to enhance our combat skills and weaponry.

Thirdly, we attack while the Alpha is not there. Ambrose hired a stealthy spy and hacker to keep up with his life, for the time being. We were previously aware of his affairs with the Royal Pack. He and Blair are suppose to be going to England for a set of meetings for about a week. So it'll be the perfect time for an attack. I've instructed everyone to keep their hands off of Blair, the main thing is keeping her safe.

Lastly, we are aiming to kill, not to disable. The only person that I aim to capture is the bastard himself, Addington. He will be tortured the same way he tortures others. After all, he has what's coming to him.

At the moment, the Alpha's and Beta's of all of the packs are meeting to discuss the plan precisely. We need to address who we will take out first.

"I think we need to take out Noah first, he's the Beta." one says.

"No, save him towards the end, he will know more about the whereabouts of Addington when the time comes. He will inform him causing him to come after the turmoil." Ambrose says.

"To be frank, we need to take out Drew. He is one of the head pack members, he's also a fighter." I add.

"I think before we start causing mass destruction, we need to get rid of the children and other people who are innocent." one says.

"Right, but first we would have to kill each members packed on the border. We need to do it quietly, without causing much of an issue... at first. See what we should do is have Crescent Moon and Woodlake take out borders one and two. Ambrose and I will take out borders three and four. Then, Crescent moon will take out the head pack members while Woodlake is gathering the community. Our packs will seek and destroy anything in site that aims to stop us, which will be the elders of the pack. Once all of that is done, we'll be waiting for Addington and Blair." I state.

What is the call on Blair again?" one asks.

"Do not and I repeat do not involve Blair in the war. Ambrose will take Blair to her parents who will then escape the territory. It should work out because we have both neighbor packs involved, so there should be no issue of them treading another pack-land." I say.

"Got it." they say.

"So they are currently in England, it should be the third day of evaluations. Now they typically give a decision rather quickly and the induction ceremony will be the following week. Now if he somehow does not get inducted, then we will attack. Or if he does not receive an immediate decision we will attack. It's harder to attack a royal member without banishment or us being treated as an outcast." I state.

"Sounds good, until the attack, we are to upkeep our training. We do not need any issues or  for the plan to fail, we've come way too far." Ambrose adds.


"Are you ready? We have one shot only at this. Be prepared for war, we will not lose our battles." I say to the group. They nod in unison. "Great, let's go." I add.

We reach Lunar Moon, we've separated into our positions. I got a call that border one was secured and border two is near. Ambrose moved to border three and I am currently at border four. I finally meet face to face again with Drew.

"Well, well, well, the little rogue has brought friends. This should be interesting." he says smirking.

Before he can say anymore sly comments, I strike his throat rotating him into a hold while of my helpers decapitates him. The others are fighting down to death as well. Our border is secured. Now to move forward in dealing with the elders.

"You know what bro, this feels really good. I'm getting a lot of anger out this way." Ambrose chuckles. I fist bump him in agreement. "Now let's do this." he adds.

We move to the pack-house. We lock each entrance to the house and disabled the security system. Then, we moved towards the staircase. We've come for blood, there is no good ending to this until Forrest is dead meat.

This may seem as cold blooded and heartless, but the Addington's are the pure definition of those qualities. As far as Noah and his mate, we'll hold on to them. My intentions are to let his mate go, but not at the cost that she pleads her loyalty to him.

I was informed that their community left and the other rogues escaped. Unfortunately, some of the pack community wanted to fight back, but that lead to their ultimate demise. It's such a shame, we were granting them free will.

While we have Noah and his mate tied, he's constantly bickering at us with a bunch of useless words. None of this will have an effect on me. I've sacrificed far too much to let such little remarks hurt me.

"You're going to pay for this. Forrest is on his way and you know he is not the one to mess with!" he spits.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I say. I'm not going to give this man my energy. He doesn't deserve it.

The pack-grounds are pretty much abandoned, I told the others to keep a look out for anyone coming in or coming out. Now I know that Forrest is on his way from England, I killed Noah. I left his mate to rot in despair.

Forrest should be here by morning. For now, I will wait. The time will seem long, but I will live for each moment until the time comes. I've never been so eager to hurt someone. It's not in my nature and I don't intend for it to be. It is the way it is, no?

"Now we wait." Ambrose says. I nod in agreement. We need to maintain alertness until he arrives. You may wonder if Forrest is smart enough to come back to the pack, well we have that figured out too. So, either way he'll be here.

The time has past. It's nearly the crack of dawn. They should've been here hours ago. I'm already raging, i'm infuriated right now. At this point, I do not feel like wasting anymore of my time with him. I will just kill him on the spot... although, I intend to do more. An immediate death sentence is too easy for a person like him.

"Dude, you're okay. You're out of it." Ambrose says knocking me out of my daze.

"Yeah.. I am just thinking." I reply. As I grow more impatient, my prayers have been answered. A few of the guys from the Crescent Moon pack captured Addington and Blair.

Of course, Blair was taken to her parents. Leaving each and every one of us for Addington. I can't say that it was a brawl, but we all got our kicks in for him. It's quite a lovely scene to see him in pain. Despite all that we do to this man, he still says sly comments.

"You bastards will pay for this. You're not man enough to fight me one by one, so you have to tie me down. Pathetic, all of you are just pathetic." he spits.

The more he talks, the more he gets hit. Oh this is going to be an enjoyable day. I am going to make sure that he goes through enough pain that he will be begging for mercy. In fact, once he starts begging, that's when I'll end his life. And if he's still a coward pig that has a smart mouth, i'll leave him to bleed out to the dogs. 

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