Chapter One

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Blair's POV

"Do you ever dream of the day that you have found the one?" I say to Jasper. 

"Sometimes, but I try not to think too much about it. I know that you do though. He chuckles. 

"I'm serious Jasper! I feel like it's going to be a fairy-tale. I meet my prince charming and he sweeps me off my feet. It's a classic romance." He continues to laugh, I just roll my eyes. 

"Again, don't think too much about it Blair, when you meet your mate, it should feel like a fairy-tale... at least that's what my parents told me." Jasper trails off. 

"Mine too, Jas. I just want the love and support that my parents have. It's endless and everlasting." I constantly think and re-imagine the day that I meet my mate. 

What if I already met him, but the timing was off? What if he rejects me? So many what if's. Dwelling on one of my worst fears, rejection. I couldn't bear. It's the reason that I've never been in a relationship, let alone talk to any other males. Jasper doesn't count, he's my childhood best friend. I know that may sounds crazy, but he's like the brother that I never had. Despite anything that occurs, the only thing that I plead for in my life is happiness, the kind of happiness that my parents have and what I desire.

"Wouldn't it be funny if we were mates?" Jasper nudges, taking me out of my thought. I slightly pause, my mind trails off. Jasper would be great as a mate, but I can never see the desire that'll linger. Our relationship is child's play, nothing that I don't think could be in any way sexual.

"That would be funny Jas. Wouldn't that just be a perfect little world?" I utter.

We're taken from our conversation when my mother messages me that we are needed back at the pack house. I am concerned, normally we are not involved in most of the issues regarding the pack. My father is Beta to the Alpha, they're planning on passing the torch to the next chosen leaders. Since my father only has me, sadly I could not take on such role. Unless there was an Alpha female, but the next Alpha at hand is Ambrose. The current Alpha's son. Ambrose is strong and powerful, oh he would cherish the role as Alpha and be a well-grounded leader for the Arcadia Light Pack.

Jasper and I rush back to the pack house. "Hi mom, what's going on?" I say concerned. "We have an issue with a rival pack. Apparently, one of ours has crossed their territory and has stolen their property." My mother replies. "Who?" I ask. "I have an idea, but this is not to concern you dear." She says. "If this doesn't concern me, then why I am here?" I ask timidly. 

"You and Jasper are here to inform the other pack members of the situation. You two are well-known and respected in this pack. Your duty now is to inform without panic. There is no need to worry because we will handle the situation, okay?" My father interrupts. 

"Okay." I utter back.

I am a very timid person, constantly concerned for the well-being of my fellow pack members, especially my family. They're all that I have. But, if my parents assure me that everything is okay then it's okay. I will do as told and pray to the moon goddess for the best outcome.

I informed my other friends and pack members. I wonder why couldn't they just send out a notice. Perhaps, it would cause a scare, which what they were not aiming for...


A week has past and things appear normal. Until the last full moon.

"Get up! Get up now Blair!" Jasper says frantically. I jump up out of fear. Baffled by his sudden appearance. "What's happening? What's wrong?" I ask. "No time for questions Blair. Your parents ordered me to grab you and to leave the pack grounds immediately." He replies, practically yelling in my ear. 

Jasper grabs my arms. He throws me a backpack and instructed me to pack. I follow suit. Once done, he practically dragged me out of the house. We shift into our wolf form and ran as fast as we could.

I contacted my mother, but she's only concerned about my well-being. But I am concerned about them too, but she assures me that she and my father will be fine. I comply.

Jasper and I have been running for what seems like hours. We finally decide to take a break. We shift back to our human form. We're walking and chatting away until we were both tackled to the ground, the force knocking me out...

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