"Are you just not going to talk to me?" I question her with an eyebrow raised. She only keeps her eyes on the road, ignoring me. "Alison." I rest my hand on her thigh to get her attention and it actually works. She looks over at me.

"Please, remove your hand, Emily." It was more of a demand than anything.

"Not until you tell me why you won't talk to me." I challenge, rising my hand up a little further up her leg. She moves slightly in her seat.

"Emily, I mean it." She looks over at me and glares. 

"And so do I." With confidence, I move my hand up more and over to the inside of her thigh.

"Emily, if you go any further, I will stop this car and do things to you that shouldn't be done in a car on the side of a highway." 

I slowly remove my hand from her thigh, but on the inside, I'm happy. I'm happy because just me touching her, clearly turns her on. Her eyes stay glued on the road the rest of the way.

I guess she's just going to pretend like that just didn't happen.


As soon as we pull into this long driveway, a big red and white barn comes into view. White fencing is scattered out, making different pens for all different horses. Spencer has a lot of them. They vary in different colors and different sizes.

A big white two-story house sits next to the barn. The land is huge. I wonder how many acres Spencer owns. 

When the car comes to a stop, Alison puts it in park and gets out. I get out as well while my eyes look around the place. It's peaceful and beautiful out here. I wouldn't mind living here one day. Or at least a place like this one.

"Spencer said she won't be coming today," Alison says while looking down at her phone. "Her job called her in for work. She said it's okay to ride and to be careful." I nod my head and follow Alison to the barn. 

Whenever we walk in, all the horse's heads turn to look at us. I give them an awkward smile. Alison laughs at me for the first time since this morning. I miss her laugh.

"Pick a horse." 

"Do they all ride?" I quirk an eyebrow at her. She nods her head as she continues to walk down the aisle of the barn. I look at each and every horse until my eye lands on one particular horse. A black horse. His eyes stare right into my soul. "I want to ride this one." Alison looks over at the horse and smiles. 

"Spartan. Good choice. He's the first horse I ever rode when I met Spencer back in our old town. I became so obsessed with horses and he was the one that I'd ride all the time. I'd even sneak out in the middle of the night just to give him some treats and to just talk to him." Ali walks over to Spartan and pets him on the head. 

"What did you talk to him about?" I'm curious.

"Everything. He'd listen and I'd talk my head off to him. The best part about it all? No one never found out what I told him." She grabs a lead thingy and clips it to the circle thing that's on his head. Alison looks at me and smiles, probably knowing that I don't know anything. "This is a lead rope and it attaches to his halter so you can lead him around." She informs me before opening the door to his stall and walks him out of it. 

I step back, terrified that he might actually step on me with his big feet. "He's a lot bigger than I thought." I gulp at how big he is.

"Relax. He's not going to hurt you. I promise. I trust him with my life." She gives him a kiss on the nose before tying him off.

"Easy for you to say," I mutter. "What horse are you going to ride?"

"Estrella." She points to a brown horse that's watching us. "She's another horse I rode as well." 


After Alison puts the saddles onto them and the bridles, she hands me the reins to Spartan. 

"You're going to have to learn to trust him. You can do it." I slowly grab the reins and pull him toward me. He instantly follows but stays to the side of me. Good. At least I don't have to worry about him trying to step on me. 

"Are you sure you want to ride them? I mean, can't we just go to a carnival and ride one that goes up and down. It's a lot safer." Alison shakes her head with a smile.

"I just saddled them. You are not giving up now." She puts the reins over her horse's head and walks over to me while the horse just stands there. "Come on." She grabs Spartan's reins from me and throws it over his head. 

"What if I fall?" I ask, still scared of the big horse.

"You won't. I promise." I nod my head. I may not trust Spartan but I trust Ali. "Now, use your left foot and put it into the stirrup." I do as told. "Now put your hand on the saddle horn and the other one on the back of the saddle and lift up." I nod my head before pushing myself up off the ground and on top of the horse.

"I did it!" I raise my hands in victory while Alison just laughs.

"Now all you have to do is hold the reins to control him. You want him to go left, you pull left. Same as right. Want him to stop, pull back on the reins. And to go forward, just gently kick him with the heels of your shoes." I nod my head, still holding onto the saddle horn.

Alison walks over to her horse and gets on with ease. 

"Alright, let's go ride." She has a big smile on her face when she says this. She wasn't kidding when she said she loves horses.


By the time we put the horses up, the rain starts to pour down even harder. Our clothes got wet and so did the horses. Although, I don't think they minded it one bit.

"I guess we picked a bad day to ride." I laugh, squeezing my hair to let the water fall out of it the best it can. 

"Let's go inside the house." We both walk toward the exit of the barn and stop. "Ready?" Alison asks me while grabbing my hand and intertwining them together. 

"I'm ready." I repeat. Alison smiles before pulling me with her as she takes off running toward the house. 

Thank you all so much for commenting on my last chapter! I just had to update again:)

Question of the chapter:

What's your favorite thing to do?

Mine is to write:)

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