Chapter Thirteen

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A/N – I apologize for the slow update, took up a second job and it's been difficult to find the time to write.

For this I wrote a longer chapter for you, please enjoy.


I allowed myself to feel content with how things were. Which was my first mistake.

Which seemed to start out as a normal day turned very quickly into a disaster, it started by the sudden change in weather, going from sunny skies to pouring rain within a matter of minutes. This progressed until we had begun to realize that Exitium was taking his first step. News coverage was already documenting the massive waves that were forming along the eastern coast.

"The central source is straight out into the Atlantic from New York," Tony said "we need to move, and quickly before the waves get any bigger"

"I agree," Cap said, "I think it would be best if we split into two teams, then meet at Exitium's location. It might catch him a bit off guard. So let's have Tony, Wanda, Natasha go south. Myself, Bruce, and Thor will go North."

"And Me?" I asked they looked at me as if I just spoken an obscure language.

Tony began an argument but Cap interrupted him "It could be extremely beneficial to know what exactly he is feeling and thinking, it could provide us with weaknesses" Which only made Tony more frustrated but he agreed under the condition that I stay in the ship. "Alert Strange as well" Cap continued "We will need his help"


My hands shook slightly while we were on the plane, I got grouped into Tony's team of course so he could "keep an eye on me" so to speak. Though he wasn't even on the damn plane, he was in his suit flying off ahead of us. Natasha was piloting while I and Wanda sat in silence, it was a quick ride but my nerves made it feel like it was the longest flight I had ever been on. I could tell when we were close because the plane rocked violently. We heard Tony's voice come through the speakers: "He is on land, a small island just ahead, try and land the plane"

Natasha scoffed in response, I assume due to the difficulty of the land he expected from her. She tried nevertheless and eventually after a long and shaky drop we stilled onto the ground. We had landed on the back half of the island in an attempt to remain hidden from Exitium, who was located on the front half.

I hopped off the plane and followed Wanda and Natasha into the thick forest that lay ahead of the coast we landed on. We crept silently, making our way across the small island while listening for updates from Tony or Cap. I wanted so desperately to hear something from them but we continued to be greeted with silence. I idly wondered where Stephen was at this moment, and if he was safe or not. I mentally began to search, hoping to find him, but instead, I was greeted with Exitium's thoughts.

There was so much fury and concentration packed into his mind, calculations ran through occasionally about waves and the creation of mass storms. I could feel him push himself to the absolute limit and in that moment, I truly began to fear not only him but also our chances of ever stopping him.

As we neared closer his intentions became more and more clear, I continued to watch his emotions control each action until a shot of panic ran through him. He spotted someone, unclear as to who it was, but based on the location in the air I assumed Tony.

As if on cue I heard on my earpiece "I'm above him, I can provide a decent distraction while the rest of you move forward"

Wanda and Natasha moved forward ahead of me as we closed in, the distraction proved to be successful as Exitium's concentration was broken by Tony's flying above. I heard the blasts from Tony's suit firing above us as we reached the end of the forest, finding both Tony and Exitium along the shoreline.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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