Chapter Eight

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I sat at my dresser, applying my last bit of red lipstick. I had gone with a simple look, a classic winged eyeliner and red lipstick combo to go with the dress. My light auburn hair was pulled away from my face and cascaded down my back in big loose curls, I chose simple silver earrings with a thin chain and pendant to match. I didn't want anything flashy. My shoes were nude tone pumps but with a smaller heel so I wasn't at risk of falling flat on my face.

It was nice, being this dolled up. For the first time in a while, I felt beautiful. I felt like my confidence had been lifted.

I grabbed my silver clutch and threw the lipstick inside, along with my phone and wallet. With one last look in the mirror to make sure everything looked alright, I then walked out and onto the elevator. I met up with the others outside by the limo that the governor had provided for us, when we got inside I looked around at Natasha and Wanda, curious as to how their looks turned out. I, of course, wasn't disappointed, both of them looked stunning and elegant.

I also noticed that Stephen was not with us.

When we arrived at the event we were bombarded with cameras and interviewers. Tony stepped out first and began answering their questions while myself and the others headed inside. We walked in and I noticed the massive chandelier in the center of the ceiling, directly below that was a dance floor filled with people twirling and laughing. Along the sides of the room were tables and chairs, and at the back of the room was a long table with drinks and desserts.

We found a table along the left side of the room and all sat down, Thor and Cap left to bring us back some drinks. Natasha and Wanda began talking about seeing the boys in tuxes and how much different it was from their uniform. I searched the room for Stephen, but only to feel disappointment when he was nowhere to be found. I watched as people danced around the room, searching for him and hoping that maybe I just missed him.

Thor and Cap came back with handfuls of drinks for all of us. I thanked them and took a sip of the punch, hoping to take my mind off of things. After a few moments, Tony finally came back after answering all of the questions from the interviewers. He grabbed his glass of punch and drank it back. 

"Thanks for leaving me with the sharks guys," he said "why am I always the one answering reporters"

"Because you secretly enjoy the attention" Vision stated calmly and Tony only rolled his eyes in response.

I politely excused myself and headed for the ladies' room, walking in I moved to the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. Mentally kicking myself for feeling this upset over Stephen not being here. He probably had something come up and couldn't attend. Besides, it wasn't like I wasn't going to see him in the library.

But that wasn't it was it? It was the reason why I put so much effort into the way I looked, why I took my time fixing my hair and makeup and making sure everything looked perfect.

I wanted to look beautiful for HIM

I shouldn't be so daft, why is he special? Why does he matter? I mean out of all of the Avengers isn't it Cap or Tony that all the ladies fall for?

But I didn't like them that way. Sure they were attractive but I was far more attracted towards Stephens intelligence and his wit. Let alone the physical attractions.

I needed to snap out of this. I needed to get my mind back in order. I looked up at myself in the mirror, checked my lipstick and hair, then took a deep breath. I don't need to look beautiful for anyone but myself, and if he wasn't going to be here, then I would have a good time anyway.

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