Chapter Two

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Tony had agreed to let me train with my abilities, under the condition that he could study me. I disagreed on the first part, how much training could even be done with mind control? Its more of a bonus feature to the team rather than something that could actually do damage.

However, I agreed to him watching and he brought me to the training room. Natasha was already there and had volunteered to be my opponent. Tony stayed up top in the observatory deck.

"Alright so in about 10 seconds we will remove the barrier on Natasha's mind so you can read her." He said looking at his watch

I nodded and Natasha gave me a small smile "Promise me if see anything terrible in there you will keep it to yourself" she said

I smiled back "deal"

It hit me like a rush, suddenly I could see everything and it felt so good. I looked at her and could tell she was not only eager to see what I've learned but also worried. I saw everything, her past, her feelings for Bruce, her conflictions with herself, EVERYTHING. I just stared and she looked back at me with her mind flooding with worry.

"Rose?" she said, "are you alright?"

I knew immediately she wasn't worried FOR me, she was worried I saw something too private. And of course, I did, "I'm fine" I said "but you certainly are a train wreck"

"what?" she asked, her emotions heightening, her mind replaying 'what did she see?'

There truly wasn't anything important to see, she wasn't some secret Hydra spy or anything for that matter, her fear was not something uncommon. In most cases like this people become afraid that they forgot something that could be used against them. When in reality their mind is just being paranoid. This could easily be used to my advantage.

"oh dear" was all I said,
"what?" she asked again, her paranoia elevating

"I-I didn't know you...." I trailed off " I didn't know you were that kind of person...." I gave a fake look of hurt. "I think I need to tell Tony," I said and turned

She stopped me and grabbed my shoulders "You cant tell Tony" she said, her mind clearly not being able to think of anything she had done wrong, went into a panic. A drop of sweat came from her forehead. "please"

"tell him what?" I asked

"whatever it is you found"

"what could you have possibly done that was so terrible it made you afraid of tony knowing," I asked, knowing full well what her answer was.

" I-I don't know" she responds, her panic changed to defeat, then after a moment, she understood. "There wasn't anything"

"No there wasn't," I said calmly "I sensed your fear and I used it against you, even if there was nothing really to use"

Her arms dropped to her side and she let out a breath. I then looked up at Tony but found he was no longer alone. Doctor Strange was standing next to him.

"Well done," Tony said " but I had expected more"

" I tried to tell you that it really is only something useful for a distraction" I responded and began climbing the stairs up to the observation deck. I could feel Tony thinking, his mind thinking of ways that my ability could be used in a real fighting situation.

But I didn't linger on Tony long, my mind switched to Strange. He was thinking about me as well, curious as to how I could do what I do and eager to see me do it again. I was pleased that he found an interest in my ability.

'get out of my head' a deep voice grumbled. I looked up, Tony was talking on the phone and Strange was looking down off the balcony.

Strange shifted his gaze to the side and made eye contact with me, I looked into his mind to see what he was thinking, but it was silent. No emotions, no thoughts, nothing.

For a moment, I thought Stark put up the barrier again but that wasn't the case, I could still read Tony's emotions and thoughts. He was going on about some kind of technology where I could share my findings with the rest of the team.

Strange was now facing me, "that's an interesting gift," he said.

"Thank you," I said, "it comes in handy at times," I said, focusing on him in hopes of learning something, ANYTHING. But all I had was silence.

He gave me a subtle nod, then walked past me and down the stairs. His cologne brushing past my nose for only a few seconds, enough to admire it. 

Let Me In (Doctor Strange x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin