Chapter Six

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Upon returning to the Avengers tower via a portal that Strange conjured up, I made bee line for my room. I was very excited to read my new books. Hell, I was excited to just have new books. It had been awhile since I was able to open up a fresh read and it intrigued me. When I arrived at my basement I took off my jacket and sat on my couch, opening up the first book.

I spent the next several hours reading, at one point I stopped to use the bathroom and check my phone which read: 3:11 am. I was about to sit back down when I remembered the piece of paper in my jacket, I slowly walked over and grabbed it out of the pocket. Looking down at the scribbled numbers in his handwriting, I opened up the contacts on my phone and began entering it in. I saved it then placed the phone back into my pocket, I then moved back to the couch and began reading again.

In the morning, I woke up on the couch, the book still in my lap but closed. I vaguely remember finishing it. My body was so stiff and sore from the couch that I decided to take a hot shower to try and relieve my muscles.

Afterward, I slipped on some comfy leggings and tank top and grabbed my second book from Strange's library, then made my way upstairs to get some tea. In the elevator, I clicked on my phone and read that it was already 1 pm, I must not have woken up until noon.

After two days of reading, I had finally finished all three books. I realized that I had bitten off a bit more than what I could chew and promised myself that next time I would only grab one. However, my new problem was asking for the portal.

I was nervous, I sat with my phone in my hand and the message of "can you open a portal to the library" waiting to be sent. It seemed odd to text him, he didn't seem like the texting type. It would have felt more right to send him a letter by mail. But he obviously had a phone and he specifically said "message me" so I wasn't incorrect. I close my eyes and finally hit send.

For a minute nothing happened, at first I was thinking he was too busy and maybe I should try again later. But then I saw the orange circle begin to appear, and inside of it, I could see the bookshelves of the library. I smiled and walked through slowly, it was still such a strange feeling to travel by portal.

I immediately found the bookshelf I left off on and began putting away the books I had taken before.

"you finished all three of those already?" I heard him say from across the room

I jumped, dropping one of the books onto the floor. I hadn't even bothered to check my surroundings.

I bent down and picked up the book, checking it for any damage "um, well...yes" I said "I was excited to have something new to read" I placed the book back on the bookshelf. And heard his footsteps behind me.

"Alright, well let me know when you're ready to go back," he said "I'll be in the kitchen"

I heard him walk out of the room and I began looking at the books. Picking up one and reading summary then putting it back and picking up another. Over and over again until finally settling on one I wanted.

I walked out of the library and into the kitchen, Strange was sitting at the island with a cup of tea.

"Hello," I said while standing in the doorway clutching my book.

He looked over at me and his gaze lingered, "just one this time?" he asked

"Yeah, I need to pace myself otherwise I stay up all night," I said walking further into the kitchen

He chuckled, "I understand that feeling. Which one did you choose?"

I flipped over the cover of the book and read "'Myths From Chinese Mythology', I know a lot about Greek mythology because of it being so common but I never branched out past that." I had wandered my way to the island and leaned over the counter opposite of him

He took the book and opened it up "Its good choice, there are a lot of fascinating myths in here." He casually flipped through the pages "one of my favorites is the tale of Izanami and her husband Izanagi. They loved each other dearly and bore many children, however, Izanami died while giving childbirth. Her husband could not bear the thought of living without her, so he traveled to the underworld, called Yomi, in search for her. But when he got there it was too late and she had already become part of the underworld." He closed the book "the rest of it you will have to read for yourself." He said sliding the book back across the table toward me

"that's so sad," I said

He was staring down at the book "it is, but it's a love story just the same"

Out of curiosity, I attempted to enter his mind, of course, the moment I got relatively close he shut me out and his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

"I-I'm sorry, I just really wanted to know what you were thinking," I said biting my lip, embarrassed.

"You will see my mind only when I feel it's appropriate," he said, his gaze flickering down towards my lip then back up at me.

I nodded and said, "I think I should go"

He nodded and stood so he could open the portal. Once opened I stepped towards it and he said, "Let me know what your favorite myth is once you're done"

"I will," I said looking back, then stepping into the portal. I stood still until I heard it close behind me.

I felt so embarrassed for letting my curiosity get the best of me, I just wanted to know what was going through his head. It's so hard to tell if I'm a friend or an annoyance to him. 

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