Chapter Three

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Tony had placed the barrier back up once we were done with training. It was frustrating to be closed off again but he said he would allow more training sessions.

I headed down into my basement, of course, it wasn't just mine but no one else had a room down there so it seemed strange to call it anyone else's. It was like my own apartment, minus the kitchen of course. It had a small living space that contained my small couch and a wall full of books, a bathroom with a tub and a walk-in shower, and a bedroom with a walk-in closet. I wouldn't call it luxurious however I have to admit it was nice and cozy.

Once I got back I made my way to the bathroom, removing pieces of clothing along the way. I sat on the edge of the tub and turned on the water, I waited for it to fill up and then slowly stepped into the warm water, letting it relax all of the aching muscles from the training. I sat in the water, listening to the silence, the silence that was very similar to what was in Strange's head.

I had heard his thoughts, I knew they were there. He must have blocked them from me, I had heard Tony call him "the wizard" once if he did possess magical abilities then it's possible for him to know a way to shut me out. It still didn't take the confusion away though, no one has been able to block me out before, in most cases, people are so flooded with thoughts and emotions that its almost impossible for one to make all of it cease.

I wanted to know how he did it, I wanted to know the exact spell or enchantment or whatever he used to do it. Id have to ask him the next time I saw him, though I have a feeling it won't be a happy conversation.

That night while trying to fall asleep I once again allowed Strange to enter my mind, his intimidating manner isn't something I look forward to dealing with, his eyes seem to pierce your very soul. He's so cold and intimidating, I'm not even entirely sure he knows my name, let alone if he sees me as an annoyance or not.

I woke up to an empty tower again, Vision was already in the kitchen by the time I made it upstairs. We had our normal conversation about what we could do, what needs to be done, what's on TV, etc.

"I don't believe Mr. Stark gave me anything to do today," Vision said "I'll let you know if I need help at all"

I nodded and made my way into the living room, turning on the TV and sipping my tea. After about an hour of some cooking show that was showing a recipe for some kind of avocado thing, I got up and went back to my basement. I chose a book from my bookshelf and sat on my small sofa, letting myself be taken to another world page by page.

I was right in the middle of a serious conflict between the main character and the creature he was running from when my door opened. I jumped out of my skin at the sound, being in silence for the past two hours caused me to become so immersed within the book that even the small noise of my door opening gave me a fright. I held my hand to my chest as if to calm my heart rate down as Vision came inside.

"I used the door this time," he said obviously pleased with himself.

"Good." I said smiling "now you just need to remember to knock"

"right." He said, "I came to tell you that the team is back and I am serving lunch, would you like to join?"

I nodded, standing and bringing my book with me, and we headed upstairs. Everyone was back and was talking about some new information they had discovered. Not wanting to interrupt I slipped into the kitchen, grabbed a sandwich, and went into the living room with my book. I sat down and began to quietly read.

"What are you reading?" a familiar voice asked from the right of me

I held up the cover of the book for him to read.

"I've never heard of that," he said, walking into the living area and sitting on the couch opposite of me. I noticed that today he wasn't wearing his red cape.

"I wouldn't expect you to" I responded, then paused. If I was going to ask him about how he blocked me out, now would be the time. "Strange, would you mind if I asked you something?" I closed my book and looked up at him.

He stared right back "Doctor. Doctor Strange." Then he nodded "and yes what is it?"

I leaned forward in my seat and quieted my voice a little "yesterday when I tried to read you, I couldn't. What did you do? Was it a spell?" I asked

He sighed and stood up, walking over to my couch and sitting at the other end from where I was. He faced me and said, "It wasn't difficult to know you were inside my head, I have felt that sensation before, and since I had already witnessed what you did to Natasha it was easy to rule out Tony being the mind reader." His eyes stared into mine "I didn't want you in my head so I forced you out, then I just kept you out. There was no spell necessarily but I did use my magic to have enough of a force to push your ability out."

"what was in your head that you didn't want me to see?" I asked curiously

"Do I have to have a reason, or to be hiding something, for not wanting some random person digging around my skull?" he asked coldly

"No," I said breaking eye contact and facing away from him " I suppose you don't" I quickly opened up my book and desperately tried to jump back into it. Wanting to escape the conversation as quickly as possible. I didn't hear him say anything else for the rest of the night, but he stayed seated near me. Even when the others came by and were conversing in the living room he stayed quiet.

It wasn't until everyone was saying goodnight that I finally stood up and closed my book.

"that must have been a very interesting page," He said as began to walk past him

I paused " what do you mean?"

He stood, I never realized how much taller he was than me before. "You were staring at the same page in your book for the past hour and a half," he said

"Oh," I said looking down at the book, I hadn't realized just how much I had zoned out during that whole evening. I could feel him looking at me "Goodnight" I said quietly and began to head towards the elevator.

I had only reached the kitchen when I heard "I'm sorry"

I turned to him confused. "what?" I asked

"I'm sorry about how I sounded earlier," he said "it was much harsher than what it needed to be"

I blinked "oh um, thank you," I said

"You're welcome, Goodnight," he said and turned to walk out the door. 

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