Chapter 18: Reminder

Start from the beginning

I get up from leaning against the counter. I sat on the couch. Shinsou was supposed to pick me up, so I just waited until I got a call from him. I played on my phone and watched a little bit of CoryxKenshin.

I kept doing that until I got a phone call. I looked at the caller I.D and it said 'Barney Fan'. I answered it.

"Sup," I answered.

"I'm outside, it's raining so put your hood up," he told me.

"Got it," I said.

I hung up the phone and put it into my pocket. I grabbed my keys off the table and put the lanyard around my neck. It was black. I put up my hood so my hair wouldn't get wet.

I walked out the door, as I locked to bottom lock and closed it behind me. I saw Shinsou in his purple car. He was looking down at his phone. It was dark out because it was around 5:00 am. I knock on the window. He looks away from his phone and nods his head to me.

I open up the door and sit down, as I close the door behind me. His car was comfortable, it smelled like weed a little bit. I looked over to Shinsou as he started to smoke the rest of his cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked, Barney Fan," I said to him, as I smiled.

He looks at me, as he takes the cigarette out of his mouth. He blows the smoke out of his nose.

"How the fuck do you think I stay calm 24/7?" he asked, as he put the car into drive.

I put my seatbelt on and put my hands up to my shoulders and shrug, as I close my eyes and smile.

"I don't fucking know, I thought you had to put up with," I open my eyes and look at him, "my dad and all," I tell him, as I put my arms back down.

"You know, I've never met someone that hated their dad so much," he told me.

I lean into the seat and look at the trees we pass.

"My dad was a fucking prick, I hated him, right now it's just neutral," I wave my hand side to side, "Anyways, he faked his death and left me and mom during desperate times. We had to deal with people ridiculing us at school, more like Izuku had to because our mom was too scared of us coming out and-," I stop myself before breaking.

I put my head into my hands, Shinsou started to rub my back as comfort.

"Take a break, when you are finished you can continue," he tells me.

"Okay," I said, as I took a shaky breath.

I put my head back to the seat and put my hands in my pockets, I started fiddling with my phone.

"And at the time one of my alpha's, Katsuki, didn't know we were soulmates, so he made fun of me, too. And when one person starts something people have to do it, too. Every fucking day we would be made fun of, people saying 'Oh look there's the villain child' or 'No, wonder his dad killed himself, if I have had a son and they were quirkless, I would kill myself, too'. I hated it and yeah," I look over to him, "people would think we were quirkless because my mom was terrified of people knowing. And you want to know what else?" I quiz him.

"What?" he asked.

"My mom got depression from it. Do you understand how hard it was to get her moving around and hanging out? She would just sit in her room and stare at a wall. I would always have to drag her around, watch her cry, watch her have a dead look in her eyes. It was hard. It was a hard thing to deal with at a young age," I tell him.

"Wow, your dad sucks," he tells me.

I laugh.

"Yeah, he does," I tell him.

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