"You know," I stood up and brushed off the front of my jeans out of habit. "Wearing a white shirt and working at a mechanic's doesn't exactly match." I picked up my bag and placed it on my shoulder. I looked over and the guy was looking at me like I've grown two heads. I shut my eyes and reprimanded myself. "I'm sorry, I don't have much of a filter. I didn't mean to offend you." I apologized.

"No-no, it's okay, It's just living down here. You don't really see many women talk the way you do, it's admirable, truly." He laughed and gestured outiside, my cheeks blushed a scarlet red. "Okay, so the boss managed to find you three exceedingly nice looking cars for your budget; All of them are different manufacturers so you should have no problem choosing." The man informed me.

"That's wonderful - I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude, but what's your name?" I asked the man showing me to my new car.

"Oh, right, my fault I guess I'm just anxious to get home. You see, it's my daughter's birthday and I'm not sure if she'll like the present I got her; My name's Colton." He stuck out his hand and I shook it, Huh, he seems too young to have a daughter.

"My name's Sydney and, well I'll be sure to hurry up then." I assured and he nodded before bending down and sliding up a garage door, it was dark out and the first thing I noticed was the blinding light of three distinguished sets of headlights.

"Holy hell..." I breathed.

"Yeah, nice right?" Colton rubbed his hands on his jeans and smiled at me, "Come on" he beckoned me forward. I took a deep breath and approached the cars.

"I didn't think Rich would find cars this new!" I jumped up and down and approached all three cars.

"Yeah, either your, uh, persuasion knocked him in the right direction or... it could have something to do with a new shipment we just recieved containing the cars you see before your very eyes." Colton laughed.

"And here I was beginning to feel powerful." I mumbled, Colton smiled and began pointing out the names and models of the cars.

"Okay, the one on the right is a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution XI, the one in the middle is a 2014 Mazda RX-8, and last but not least, literally, is a 2013 Mustang Shelby Cobra. Damn." Colton whistled, "I sure wish I was you."

"Well, since you wish you were me. What is your expertise? Which one should I get?" I asked genuinely confused.

"I don't know about you, but I prefer the Mazda RX-8." Colton pointed to the one in the middle, "I like their style."

"The Mazda it is then! Plus, it's Black so it's one of my top three favorite colors of all time." I nodded and Colton puffed out his chest in a joking manner making me laugh.

"Hey Danny! We got a buyer over here, get up!" Colton yelled over his shoulder to a man sleeping in an armchair, the man jerked awake.

"Wow, you have a habit with waking people up." I commented.

"Eh, it's fun. So, what is your favorite color?" Colton asked.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow, he laughed uneasily.

"You said it was one of your top three favorite colors, that leads me to wonder what your top favorite is." Colton said while grabbing a clipboard and a set of keys from the same guy who was sleeping in the armchair.

"Oh, I forgot I said that; It happens to me alot, but my favorite color is Blue. To be honest you're the only person who has ever asked me that." I told him truthfully.

"Ah, I get it; sucky parents, huh? Yeah, I had that too." Colton nodded and grabbed my hand. I watched as he unfolded my fingers and placed the keys in my hand.

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